TWO: Dinner

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Hazel wore nothing but Jeffrey's t shirt as she cooked them both a quick breakfast. She walked over to the coffee pot pouring herself another cup of coffee as Jeffrey trudged into the kitchen. She smiled as he gave her a quick kiss and thanked her as he took the cup from her hands. She playfully rolled her eyes and grabbed another mug from the cabinet. Jeffrey hopped up on the counter and said," What's your plans for the day, Sugar britches?" Hazel shrugged as she took a sip of her coffee. She smiled and said," Well I have to for into work and finish pay roll for the week but that'll only take me a hour or so at the most. Then I have to get Kaleb to sign some papers that will take about fifteen minutes of bickering and ten minutes of explaining and begging him to sign it. Then I should be done for the day." Jeffrey chuckled as she talked about her brother Kaleb. He knew she loved him but they were always battling about something. Jeffrey smiled and said," You should have him up for dinner tonight. I'll grill us some steaks and maybe you'll make some of that glorious mac and cheese you make?" Hazel's eyes grew before she shook her head 'no'. Hazel put down her coffee and said," Jeffrey you have to realize that this is my little brother you are talking about. I love the man but he's alot. We'll come up with safe word so we'll know when to make him leave. Our safe word is ..... um... apples. Our safe word is apples." Jeffrey laughed and motioned her to come to him. He kissed her temple and said,"Everything will be just fine. Invite him up, we'll grill some steaks and have a good ole time. I promise. Once I get the animals out there fed, I'll go to the grocery store and get everything for tonight. So all you have to worry about is making that damn good mac and cheese and having a good time tonight. Okay?" Hazel nodded and laid her head on his chest. Jeffrey always knew how to keep her calm but she just hoped he was right.

Hazel walked into her brother's office to find him staring up at his flat screen he 'needed' for the office, watching an old Nascar race. She rolled her eyes and said," I see your hard at work, should I come back." Kaleb giggled and shook his head as he waved her in. Kaleb smiled and said," I was just about ready to go find ya'. Done sent everyone home already. I figured you'd be ready to run home too." Hazel held up some paperwork making him groan. Kaleb took the paperwork and looked down at them in confusion. Hazel chuckled and said," It's the pay roll for the week and the hour logs. They just need your review and signature." Kaleb rolled his eyes and grabbed a nearby pen. He signed the right hand corner of each page with looking at them. Hazel sighed as he said," I don't need to review them. I know you've triple checked these and then checked it one more time. That's why I love working with you, you're usually right when it comes to this stuff." Hazel nodded and sat in the chair by his desk. He handed Hazel the papers as she said," So I'm dating someone." This caught Kaleb's attention making him lean back in his office chair. He crossed his arms waiting for her to continue. Hazel smiled and said," His name's Jeffrey. He's super sweet and treats me good. He wants to meet you, so wanna come over for dinner at his place tonight?" Kaleb sighed and pulled his chew tobacco from his jacket pocket. He put in a big chew and said," Is he really good to you? He better not be like your ex or God so help me I'll cap his ass." Hazel's eyes grew and put her hands up in defense. She stood and said," I wouldn't be dating him if he was anything my ex husband. He's an amazing guy and honestly you guys would get along. I'll text you his address. Bring beer and God so help me if your bring your gun, I'll kill you in your sleep." It was Kaleb's turn to put his hands in defense as she started to the leave the room. Kaleb stuck his tongue out at her, before she flipped him off with a big smile on her face.

Hazel stood at the stove making her cheese sauce for her mac and cheese. Jeffrey came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist, as he laid gentle kisses in the crook of her neck. Hazel smiled as he said," I see you changed into my favorite pair of shorts." Hazel gently wiggled her butt against him making him, let out a low growl. He pulled away from her and placed a kiss on her cheek. He gave her a swift smack on the butt before he said," You've done made me hot bothered. Now I've gotta take a cold shower before your brother gets here. I swear woman, sometimes you just smile at me the right way and I'm harder than an oak tree." Hazel turned towards him with a blush coverings her cheeks. She set the pot off the eye of the stove and walked towards him. She wrapped her arm around his neck and said," I know a way we can take care of this without a shower." Jeffrey moaned as he felt one of her arms drop and her hand cup him through his jeans. He quickly grabbed her hand before dragging her down the hall. She pulled away from him and pushed him in his arm chair. He chuckled as he watched her quickly unbutton her shorts and let them hit the floor. She stood in her underwear and t shirt as she unbuttoned his jeans. She began yanking them down, with his boxers making him chuckle. He stood, helping her pull them down. She pushed him back down in the chair and pulled down her underwear. Jeffrey smiled, looking over her beautiful body, as she straddled him. She wrapped her arm around his shoulders as she eased herself down on his large member. Jeffrey bit his lip as he heard Hazel shudder. She began to ride him, making him moan her name. Jeffrey let a hand travel to her sex, letting a finger massage he clit. She gasped and gripped his shirt, as he went faster. He felt her walls tighten around, knowing she was about ready to cum. Jeffrey began subconsciously startes bucking his hips, making her scream his name. Jeffrey felt her juices wash over him, only making her go faster. He continued to pay attention to her clit as he slipped a hand under her shirt. His fingers slid under her bra attacking her nipple. He squeezed her breast as he said," Cum again for me, baby." She moaned as he switched his hands. She felt him getting close too as she began to slow some. She screamed," Oh god! Jeffrey!" As she gushed around him. He squeezed her breast as he came inside of her. He brought her in for a long kiss, not wanting her move quite yet. Hazel pulled away and said," I swear, even the quickies are amazing." Jeffrey chuckled and looked to a clock from across the room. Her brother would be here in about thirty minutes or so. He ran a hand through her short hair and said," Let's take a quick shower and finish some dinner. Then later on we'll go skinny dipping in that new hot tub." Hazel giggled as she slowly stood up, pulling Jeffrey with her.

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