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Hinata's laughter echoed through the corridors as he was running away, clutching the Student Council Vice President's cap in his hand. As for Naoi, he was stuggling to keep up with Hinata's speed; this boy was taller and more agile than he was after all. "Hinata, we're acting like children, so give that back, you brainless imbecile!" Naoi screamed. The students were pretty surprised to see their Vice President running around and chasing another student. Hinata and Naoi soon reached the school grounds outside, and Naoi was running out of breath. So it was pretty much of a minor miracle for him to see that Hinata stopped running. "I'll give it back, Naoi... If you can find it." Hinata threw his cap very far, amd Hinata was a baseball player, so it's expected that when he throws far, it's VERY far.

Hinata went and ran away laughing at the grumbling Naoi who was left in the middle of the Afterlife School grounds, scratching his head and wondering where his precious cap went. "That blue-haired lame excuse for a human will SO pay for this time. I'm sure Otonashi-sama won't mind." He told himself. Just when he was about to go look for his cap, a soft, unfamiliar voice behind him said, "I think this is yours."

Naoi turmed around, and saw a fairly short girl with long, dark violet hair reaching her waist, wearing a white beret on her head. "Yes, thank you. Where did you find it?" Naoi asked her, quickly putting his cap back on his head. "I saw That blue haired boy throw it, and it hit my face." She innocently said. "That's just Hinata, he's an idiot." Naoi told her. "By the way, I'm Ara Kasugano. You're the Student Council Vice President, right? Ayato Naoi?" Ara asked. "Yes, that's me." Naoi proudly said.

"Being honest, you look really pretty for an NPC."

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