𝐭. 𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 " sleepover "

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𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗚𝗨𝗘 𝗧𝗜𝗘𝗗 - 𝙜𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙥𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
— " i loved you then and i love you now "

you heard a knock on your door. it was 8am on a saturday morning where you could finally sleep in since you didn't have to go to work today. you furrowed your eyebrows as you heard a particularly annoying voice as the door opened.

'wake up! wakeupwakeupwakeup!' kuroo yelled before landing on top of you.

'what the fuck, i'm actually going to kill you.' you voice was muffled because he was literally squishing you.

kuroo has lived across you ever since you both were little. you've always been close. he had to move away for a bit after graduating, but now he's back purely just to annoy you.

'my boss let me take a break this weekend.' he spoke and shuffles off you, 'i'm free and you're free, we should hang out or something.'

you let out an annoyed grunt before closing your eyelids.

'we should have a sleepover, (y/n).

you let out another soft grunt before dozing back to sleep.

'i never said yes to this!' you grumbled and continued to push the trolley down the aisle. kuroo finally managed to drag you out of bed to go shopping for your sleepover.

'yes you did.' he chuckles and mimicks you sleepily agreeing with him earlier in the morning. you rolled your eyes, 'fine, whatever. it is true though,' you stopped to pick out a pack of flaming hot cheetos, 'we haven't had a sleepover in ages.'

'its because you got busy with starting work and all that.' he pouts.

'says you! you were the one who moved away.' you argued back.

'did you miss me?'

'yeah, i guess.'

the moment you both were looking forward to finally came as the sun started to set and the clock hit exactly 17:00.

'what the fuck kuroo do you even know how to do this properly? stop acting like a 3 year old!' you grumbled and kicked the pillows off of kuroo's bed.

'well, after i left for uni- there hasn't really been anyone i could do it with...' he said and suddenly slipped his shirt off. that made you stare for a bit.

'um- why are you taking your shirt off?'

'it's getting hot in here.' he simply responded.

you rolled your eyes, 'i'll turn the air con on before we start then.'

'why did you put all the pillows on the floor?' kuroo raised a brow and picked them up again.

'you idiot, why would we build a fort on the bed?'

yes. you are building a fort.

after several arguments, snacks, and pillow fights. you and kuroo finally finished building the perfect fort. it was quite a pain since you forgot how big kuroo was and had to rebuild the entrance. you both crawled in through the hole and switched on the lamp.

'so, how have things been after i left?' he said as he munched on a potato chip.

'nothing much really; i went to the same uni as konoha and yaku, kai went to the college in hokkaido, and your volleyball team got to go to nationals for a second time!'

'did lev end up getting himself a girlfriend?' he smirked.

'no, but he got himself a boyfriend.' you giggled, 'he's dating yaku now.'

that surprised him. 'yaku and lev? really?'

you nodded vigorously, 'i know right? i never expected yaku to accept his confession.'

'everything really has changed.' kuroo sighed.

'i kind of do want to go back to those days.' you agreed and rested your head on his shoulder.

'why?' he gave you a sly grin, 'you want to be dumped by futakuchi all over again?'

'sh-shut up! long distance didn't work, and you never got yourself anyone so you can't say anything either!' you frowned and slapped his arm playfully.

'talking about the past...' he turned to look at you, 'i used to like you.'

'wait really?' you tilted your head in confusion, 'when?'

'it started when we met in our second year,' he smiled, 'i never got to tell you though since i never gained the courage to.'

'oh.' was all you could say. you didn't expect someone like kuroo, a person who seemed to only be interested in chemistry, volleyball, and making kenma eat to have had feelings for you.

out of curiousity you asked him, 'do you still like me?'

there was a moment of silence, well, except for the noise of him louding crunching on his chips. he held out a finger, signalling for you to 'wait a second.'

'you done?' you narrowed your eyes at the male who seemed to be enjoying himself by annoying you.

'so you asked if i still like you or not?' he asked.

'yes, i did.'

'well (y/n), i think i still do.'


wtf i'm so sorry for this extra shitty chapter 🥲

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thank you for reading and sorry for the delay :)

𝐭𝐢 𝐚𝐦𝐨 / 𝘩𝘲 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ( fin )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora