𝐤. 𝐮𝐤𝐚𝐢 " rent a girlfriend "

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𝗘𝗫𝗜𝗧 𝗦𝗜𝗚𝗡 - 𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙩𝙤𝙥 𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙨
— " i'm not looking for a good time. i'm just looking for the exit sign "

lowercase intended

'(y/n), can you pretend to be my girlfriend just for the highschool reunion?'

'no.' you simply responded without even looking at your friend, 'look, you're hot and all. why don't you go find yourself a real date, keishin?'

he gripped onto the back of your sleeveless top, 'please (y/n)! just this once!'

'that's what you said when i had to help take-chan look after your volleyball brats when you were sick. and also that time when you got thrown out of your parent's house in highschool, who was the person you came to? oh yes, me!' you clicked your tongue and folded your arms, seeing his pleading face somewhat made you feel bad for him, 'if i do this, what will i get in return?'

ukai's eyes lit up, 'wait for real? you'd do this for me?'

'no, for me.' you corrected him, 'three bottles of beer and free potatoes from your family's farm for a month, deal?'

'deal.' he grinned with a cigarette hanging from his mouth, 'the reunion is tomorrow, i'll pick you up at 4 and dress casual.'

'oh and also,' you spun around to face him before walking away, 'if you want to hire me, you're gonna have to do something with that smoke stick of yours.'

he took the already lit cigarette out of his mouth and stepped on it until the flames extinguished, 'no smoking during the date.'

'it's not a date!'

after picking out a simple outfit for ukai's highschool reunion, you made your way down to the front gate of your house.

how on earth is he going to pick me up, he doesn't even have a car.


'oh he must be-' ding!


you furrowed your eyebrows furiously before putting a palm to your forehead. you looked opened the door to see a smirking ukai keishin standing at your gate, abusing your doorbell.

'ukai keishin!' you shouted. that managed to stop him. 'if you don't fucking stop right now i will not hesitate to snap your neck.'

'geez (y/n) i was just joking around.' you noticed him looking up and down at you.


'you look nice.' he complimented.

'o-oh thanks.' his words managed to bring a small blush to your cheeks.

'i borrowed my dad's truck just for you honey.' he said before climbing into the driver's seat, 'c'mon we don't have all day.'

'finally gotten yourself a girl huh?' takashi, ukai's former classmate patted his back.

'uh, y-yeah!' he stutters. you rolled your eyes discreetly.

this man-

'so~ when's the wedding.'

you nearly spat the water that you were drinking out as takashi laughs at you and ukai.

'what the hell takashi.' ukai growled.

'woah chill keishin, i was just asking.' takashi waved his hands in defence, 'unless she's not really your girlfriend.' he looked up and down at you and chuckles, 'i mean, how can a cute chick like this end up in our hands anyways.'

you furrowed your brows (for the 6th time that night) and made a 'tsk' sound with your tongue. takashi you fucking dick—

you narrowed your eyes at ukai's smirking friend and spoke, 'like you can do any better, i heard you don't even have a girlfriend yet.' takashi's smile began to fade, 'and for your information keishin is a great guy, any girl would— no— should feel privileged to have him. sure he has some cons, like that god damn cigarette addiction and how he doesn't know how to socialize with other people, but at least he's not a rude fucking piece of shit that only speaks garbage like you.' you took a pause as soon as you realised that everyone in the party was now staring at the three of you.

'(y/n), calm yourself.' ukai pulled you aside and whispered into your ear.

'wait i'm not done yet.' you pulled away from ukai and turned back to a very pissed off takashi, 'keishin is a great coach to his volleyball team, he's a great son, and i know for a fact that he is an amazing boyfriend. i'd marry this man any day.'

you thought you saw a hint of pink on ukai's cheeks before he dragged you away from the crowd. you both retreated back to his truck.

'what the hell (y/n).' he frowns.

'i know- i'm so sorry. i ruined your reunion, you were suppose to have fun, not have some petty fight over me.'

'no (y/n), i was gonna tell you what you did was great.'

'i said i was s- huh?' you raised your eyebrows, you didn't expect him to be chill about it.

'thank you for defending me.'

you clicked your tongue and turned away to hide your slightly blushing face, 'your welcome, i guess.' you muttered.

'i'll go drop you off.'

you both said your last goodbyes after he pulled up infront of your home.

'thanks for tonight, i won't forget about our little deal.' he smiled before unlocking the door for you to get out.

'all good, i hope i didn't ruin it too much.'

you opened the door and hopped out of the truck. suddenly, you felt a firm grip on your left wrist. you turned to see ukai looking straight at you.

'hey...' he started, 'we should go on a date again.'

'yeah s-sure!' you raised a brow in slight confusion.

'but maybe this time, a real one.'


ukai's character was requested by:

i'm very sorry about not updating as frequentlyas before, i have a lot of studying to do since exams are coming up. i'll be back as soon as possible !

thank you for being patient, i'll definitely get through all your requests

author chan :>

𝐭𝐢 𝐚𝐦𝐨 / 𝘩𝘲 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ( fin )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن