𝐭. 𝐨𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 " mistakes "

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𝗣𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗘 - 𝙟𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙮 𝙯𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧 , 𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙨𝙚𝙖 𝙘𝙪𝙩𝙡𝙚𝙧
— " i wish i had the power. to make this house feel more like home "

*adult au*

'This cannot be happening right now.'

Hundreds of questions flooded through your mind, but they all got wiped away within a second once rage entered your trembling body. Tears filled your eyes as you take a second look at your husband, Oikawa, who was sleeping peacefully on your bed with a woman beside him.

'WHAT THE F*** IS GOING ON TOORU! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?' you screamed at Oikawa, causing him and the woman to wake up.

'(Y-y/n)-chan, its not what it looks like.', he said and started getting dressed

'Tooru what's that noise?' the woman interfered, 'Is that wrinkly bi*** seriously your wife? Wow- i expected better, or at least younger!', she said glaring at you.

You ignored her judgement and turned to Oikawa.

'IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE HUH? Tooru, we have been married for THREE YEARS, i work my butt off every single day to support you- US, OUR FAMILY! And you're seriously going to betray me like this? Wow, just wow Tooru.' After saying that you dropped the grocery bags that you've been carrying and stormed out of the house. By this time, rage had completely left your body and sadness came rushing back. Your eyes were overflowing with tears, causing your vision to blur. You could hear Oikawa shouting and running after you but you got into the car and left.

*arrives at friend's house*

'(Y/n)? Is everything okay? What are you doing out here at this time, does Oikawa know that your alone?'

'I-iwa-chan...' you buried your head into Iwaizumi's chest and started crying again when you heard Oikawa's name.

You also happen to be Iwaizumi's bestfriend, you and Oikawa met through him since all of you went to the same university.

Iwaizumi took you to the kitchen and calmed you down with a warm cup of tea. You explained everything that happened to him.

'I've known that dumbass since we were little, honestly (y/n), even though he has a trashy personality i don't think he would do something like that to you.' Iwa explains, 'He loves you a lot.'

'But what about that woman? They were sleeping together NAKED on our bed!'

'I don't really know how to help since i've never been in a relationship, but in the mean time you are welcome to stay to stay here until everything gets better.'

'That's if it gets better.' You mumble

'What was that (y/n)?' Iwaizumi asks

'Thanks Iwa you're the best.' you hugged him and headed upstairs to the guest bedroom.

*next day*

'(Y/N)! I KNOW YOU'RE HERE! Please come out, i can explain. IWA-CHAN open the door.'

You could hear your husband screaming and banging the door of Iwaizumi's house. You decided to head downstairs to Iwaizumi's room, he seems to have just got up, probably because of Oikawa's shouting and banging.

'Geez it's 4am in the morning. Should i open the door? You two should talk.' Iwaizumi frowns and glances at you.

'Whatever just leave him out in the cold, i don't want to talk to him.' that's what your brain said but your heart was aching for him, you desperately wanted him to come in but your body disobeyed.

'Just go back to bed Iw-' but before you could finish, Iwaizumi unlocked the door, letting Oikawa inside.


'Trashkawa you better have a good explaination for what happened last night.' Iwaizumi gave him a pat on the back and disappeared into his room.

'(Y/n)-chan... what happened last night wasn't what you thought it was!' Oikawa explained and grabbed ahold of your arm. '(Woman name) was a client that i was suppose to be talking to but i think she drugged me whilst i wasn't paying attention, we really didn't do anything (y/n), you have to believe me!', he begged.

'Why should i believe you? Just leave Tooru, please.' Your voice started to crack. You brushed his hand off your arm and started heading upstairs, but both of Oikawa's arms wrapped tightly around your waist, causing you to lose your balance and fall backwards. Oikawa caught you just in time and stopped you from falling.

'I swear, I SWEAR ON MY MOTHER'S GRAVE THAT I'M NOT LYING. I love you (y/n), and only you. I wouldn't marry any other woman if it's not you!' After saying that his warm lips locked with yours. You didn't hesitate and kissed him back right away, his breath tasted like peppermint, just like the toothpaste that you normally share.

'I love you too Tooru.' You smiled and kissed him lightly one more time, 'Now put me down!'

'I thought that i was going to lose you, i was so scared (y/n)-chan. You're the only person in this world that i would ever love, you're my one and only chibi-chan!'

'HEY I'm not that short!' You pouted and looked up at your husband who was smirking at you, 'Oh, and Tooru, you better make some more room in your heart.'


'I'm pregnant' you smiled softly at him, 'You're going to be a dad Tooru, we're finally going to be a proper family!'

'Wh- WHAT? (Y/N)!' Oikawa tilted his head.


tbh Oikawa would cry just as much as the kid lmao, and sorry for being sort of inactive with this story, i didn't really have any ideas!

Thanks for reading, and check out Haikyuu Zodiacs pls!
- Sienna <3

𝐭𝐢 𝐚𝐦𝐨 / 𝘩𝘲 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ( fin )Where stories live. Discover now