I've learned just to not argue even if the ranch hands blatantly lie to Papa. It is maddening at times because even though Papa's punishment of taking away my time outside is generous, it is incredibly frustrating for losing it on account of falsehoods.

"Any wild adventures this week, Mae? I haven't seen you outside the house lately," Liam prods, leaving me to simply turn my head away from him.

He knows I can't defend myself even though he mocks me.

Mama silently glares at the ranch hand, well aware of their treatment towards me. No one dares tattle on Mama if she strays from the house a bit, but no one has any problems tattling on me for something I didn't even do.

"Mae has been grounded since last week, Liam," Pa inserts gently. His comment is not to mock me, he says it to remind Liam it's on the account of his lies that I've lost my outdoor privileges this week.

"Makes since why I haven't caught her around the stable then," Liam teases, not catching on to Pa's tone.

I keep my gaze on the floor, biting back the tears of frustration and anger which built there. It isn't fair, not at all. I keep silent though, letting Pa settle back down to read his book after the dominants have left.

Pa's hand settles on my head and I swallow back my tears.

Papa has had a long day of work. It would be selfish to interrupt his time of reprieve with my blubbering and complaining.

Papa goes back to petting Ma after a bit, making her melt against his leg once again.

A familiar longing comes to me as I watch Ma and Pa. I'd never tell a soul, but I've desired a dominant for so long, someone to kiss me, someone to hold me, someone to talk with me...

Pa has had too much on his plate with his health and before that he was dealing with Angus leaving and Ames' death.

There has just never been a good time for Pa to find me a husband... It's too late now, so I especially won't ever say anything, but I wish Papa had put in the time to look into a dominant for me...

All I know is the ranch. Papa never wants me and Ma to leave the ranch, especially, after Ames died. He just wants to protect us, but I don't think he realizes how isolating it is.

At least Mama has Pa, but I have no one... Angus was closest to me in age, but even when he was around, there was a substantial divide between us.

Ames had been my best friend. When he died, the ranch started to feel small, isolating. He was many years older than I, but he was the best big brother I could have asked for...

I just wish there was someone for me. Me and Mama can talk and I know I can talk with Pa, but it's just not the same.

Mama is too preoccupied with Pa's health to speak of anything other than his wellbeing and although Pa would never scold me for wanting to talk with him, he is tired after a day on the ranch and doesn't want to hear me babble about dinner or sewing or how nice it would be venture the trails of the ranch even just a little bit.

The ranch hands would seem to fit my needs perfectly, as they are more around my age and all, but they usually work in the field and the stables which is out of bounds for me. They would take too much pleasure in tattling to father even if I just came to them to talk.

"Mae?" I snap out of my thoughts, immediately, plastering a smile on my face. Papa's brows do not unfurrow, but he does not prod about my somber mood.

It is something nice, but not always good about Papa, his is quiet and doesn't tend to pry even when he should.

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