Isabel was so scared as her father just grabbed a chair and sat it right in front of her and on it. He just chuckled and shook his head taking off his fedora. Marco was a cld and ruthless man. I wish I could say that he loved his daughter he blamed Isabel for her mother's death everyday.........

Or at least that is what she thought.

Greed got the best of him.

"You went and saw this fucker behind my back?" He asked coldly and quietly.

"I......I.......daddy........" She looked down feeling intimidated.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you puñeta! (Bitch!)" He yelled grabbing her face hard making her crige and pant.

"I'm not a puñeta! I'm your daughter! I have a life!"

"You have no life! You're just a fucking stupid kid!" He yelled. "Do you think I'm gonna let you go out whenever the fuck you want?!"

"I'm grown! I'm in love! I'm tired of being alone at home! I wanna live my life!"

"Oh how fucking sad! You're not going anywhere anymore. You wanna disobey me? Disrespect my wishes? To bad my daughter.........looks like my darling princess is gonna be stuck in here for a while." He let go of her face and walked off turning off the lights.

"Daddy! Daddy! Don't leave me!" Soon the door slammed leaving her in the hot room making her scream and cry with pain fear.

Meanwhile, the police were asking me questions what had happened the night Isabel was gone. I told her about Marco and his men and how over protective he is of her but it was Isabel's choice to see me and be with me. They did a back ground check on not only Isabel but also her father and my former co workers.......even me. I knew that their demeanor was going to change once they saw my record, but I'm tired of people judging me for my mistakes when that is not who I am anymore.

"Look officers........I know I have a bad record.......and you must be thinking why the hell would a beautiful......amazing woman like Isabel Cortes be with me?........" They stayed silent and lusteed to me as I spoke. "Well the sane reason why I am with her.........I love her........I want to make her my wife. I know I don't have much........I know that I'm not the best thing to look at..,.... But I'm begging you right now to look at me........I'm the victim this time. You all have evidence and fingerprints saying that somebody did break into my home.......and also witnesses also seeing a limo in front of the building. Please find her and bring her home. I know she is scared. She doesn't deserve this."

They looked at each other and nodded. They turned to me and one officer cleared his throat. The detective gave me his card with his number.

"Are you interested in helping us with this case?" He asked. I looked at him awkwardly.

"How?" I asked while I played with the card.

"You see.......Marco Cortes is not only CEO of Diamond Seas, but he is also one of the most dangerous mobsters in the Caribbean and Europe. It's sad to think his daughter doesn't know."

"Why the hell nobody told her this shit?!"

"She was shelter her life by her father. Who would she believe if somebody told her that her father was a criminal. It seems like now she is going to find out the truth." The detective said. They escorted me downtown as I agreed to go undercover.

Suddenly my cellphone rang as they were getting information from me about what had happened.

"Hello?" I answered frantically. Marco's chuckles disturbed me while the phone was to my ear.

"Looking for someone?" He said coldly. I put the phone on speaker and the rest of the police heard the call. The interrogation cameras recorded everything.

"Where's Isabel?"

"My daughter is none of your concern bastard. You think I was gonna leave my daughter with low class trash like you?" I balled my hands into fists as a police officer politely told me to calm myself down and continue to talk.

"Trash?" I scoffed as if it was a home. "You were once trash yourself. What the hell did your wife see in you anyway? Maybe she died because she couldn't stand your ass anymore."

"Let my wife come out of your mouth one more time! I dare you motherfucker!"

"Oh........I'm so scared. Just put Isabel on man." Meanwhile the cops came into the room immediately as they set up a tracker to see where the phone call is coming from. They succeeded in completing the set up of the machine and we had to wait 60 seconds for the results of the location to come up.

"I'm not gonna put her on. My daughter is too good for you. You're blessed........that I didn't kill you myself."

"You didn't kill me at all. Look I love your daughter and she loves me. So I'm sorry if you're pissed off that she don't choose someone with a bank account or a same career but don't you want her to be happy?"

"No." He said too quick. "I don't care if she is happy or not. I want her to be safe."

"She doesn't feel safe when she is with you! Don't you see that?! That's why she was with me! She felt safe!"

"You didn't make her feel safe! You fucked her! I wouldn't be surprised if she got pregnant!" He snapped making me gulp. He realized then that his daughter could be pregnant and I could be the father. "Fuck......." He realized what might happen. " want my daughter back? Bring a pregnancy test and $500,000." He ordered.

"How the hell am I supposed to vet all that money?!" I yelled shocked. The police officer gave all of us a thumbs up saying he has the location.

"You're a crook too. Get creative." Then he hung up. I threw my face in my hands.

"He's in the Mojave desert." The officer said.

"Shit.......Nevada. That's outside of the city of L.A. We don't have jurisdiction there. We need to get the FBI involved." The detective said.

"Yeah you do that while I'll get a fucking pregnancy test and $500,000."

"Don't worry. We'll handle that." The detective said.

This is going to be a long process.

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