Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

My apartment door was broken down by Butch when he stormed into my place with five other men. I quickly put on my pants and Isabel put on her clothes as quickly as she could. I grabbed my bat and stopped once I saw Butch.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled at Butch. All he did was laugh in my face and snapped his fingers. Suddenly I was being held back by two men and the other two men started to pun h my stomach making them laugh at my pain. Isabel heard what was going on and ran to the living room.

"Let him go!" She yelled just before Butch grabbed her as she tried to fight back.

"Come on princess! Daddy wants you back home." He chuckled and whistled at the men to let me go as I fell to the coughing and wheezing trying to catch my breath. I heard Isabel's struggles to get away from Butch and she cried out my name.

"Michael! Michael!" She pulled away from the men and ran to me as she caressed my already fucked up bloody face. "Baby can you hear me? Please say something. Please don't fall asleep baby. Please........" I felt like I was losing consciousness. I was weak and felt like I couldn't hear anything. Time was going slow once my almost blurry vision seeing Isabel crying and the men pulling her away from me. She screamed my name as I blacked out and I heard no more sound.

Isabel fought all the way to the car, or limo I should say, and cried and tried to scream, but it was useless when Butch covered her mouth so they wouldn't catch so much attention once it became night time. They threw her in the back of the car and they immediately drove off as she fought against their grasp. One of the men grabbed a rag with chorolform and placed it over her airways as it slowly entered her body making her blackout.

"Goodnight Isabel. You need your rest." Butch and another man tied up her hand and legs just in case she wakes up she wouldn't fight as much.

Hours later, Isabel woke up in a cold dark concrete basement. Her heart began to race as she became scared. Her body was restricted was movement and she was sweating bullets from the extreme heat.

"Hello! Is anybody there?! Let me out of here!" She yelled for help and sucked in her breath once she heard the door open.

"Hello princesa." Marco said coldly throughoutghe hot air.

Meanwhile I was slowly getting up from the major beating I received. I had a black eye and a bad cut on my lip. Bruises began to form all over my body. My mind suddenly came back when I immediately looked around.

"Oh shit......Isabel!" I groaned and painfully got up running around my apartment. Daryll and Rusty ran into the apartment.

"Mike!" Rusty yelled out for me and I came out of the room. "Dame nigga! What the fuck happened to you?" He helped me to the couch.

"Isabel's dad.......his guys broke in here and got Isabel. I don't know where she is." I coughed a bit as I grabbed a rag and wiped some blood off of my face.

"Her dad? What the fuck? I thought he was like a rich ass business guy." Daryll said confused.

"Well he doesn't act like it." I scoffed and cracked my neck.

"You know I hate to say this Mike but........this looks like you need to call the popo." Rusty admitted. No gang trusts cops and cops see gangs as criminals. With my criminal record, no cop will ever help me, but this is Isabel we're talking about. She's a good woman. An honest woman. Not a crop queen. Not a hooker. Not anything related to the streets.

"Hell no!" Daryll yelled. "Man fuck the popo. Your bitch is gonna be alright." I pushed him against the wall hard making a crack against it.

"Don't you fucking say that about Isabel! I love her! And if it means to call the police and going against the gang then that's what I'm gonna do. Last time I checked you ain't my homeboy anymore." I threw him out of my apartment knowing I never trusted him after I was arrested. I looked at my phone and sighed dialing 911.

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