The First Mission

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(Unknown's POV)

I entered the room and placed my suitcase on the floor with a loud thump. I looked into the room to see Ruth sprawled out on the bed listening to a whiny song on repeat.

Me: That's a little too repetitive, don't you think, Glasses?

Ruth opened her eyes and she shot up from the bed.

Ruth: Laser.

Me: I believe you mean Willis, Brett Willis.

Ruth: Why? Are you some James Bond? Your name has to be said that way?

Me: I believe so, yes.

Ruth: Oh, shut up.

I noticed her as she sat up from the bed and leant against the headboard without meeting my eyes. I placed my suitcase closer to the dresser.

Ruth: Wait, why is your suitcase here, and why are you bathing here?... Oh, don't tell me...

Me: Yes, darling, you're looking at your new roommate!

Ruth: Where is your cousin by the way?

Me: He is sharing Ernie's room.

Ruth: What? Why is he sharing Ernie's room? Why can't you share Ernie's room and Zach and I can share the guest room?

Me: I wanted to share a room with you. So that I can specifically irritate you!

Ruth: Charming!

I watched as she cringed, and I went into the washroom for a short bath. As I turned on the shower, I let my mind roll back into the past.

Well, there is a reason why we are fighting like a mouse and a cat, and by the way, I am the cat and she is the mouse. When I was working for The Other Side, Ruth was also working there, but undercover, by the name of Samantha. She was wearing glasses as part of her cover, and that's why I call her 'glasses'. We were training partners, and being the top-notch spy I am, I figured out that she was undercover for the Organization. I used this to blackmail her for a while. Then, I ratted about her to Victor, the sub-boss of The Other Side. Me and Victor fought against Ruth and of course, we won. I shot her in the left shoulder with a laser gun. I just missed my shot, for the heart. This is why she calls me 'Laser'. After she couldn't fight anymore, she threw a smoke bomb and ran away from the building.

Anyway, on the bright side, I could go meet my girlfriend after I bathed. I couldn't wait! I changed and ran out of the bathroom and out of the room.

Ruth: Where are you rushing to, happy pants?

Me: Because I'm meeting my girlfriend.

I did a little skip and was about to leave the room when Glasses stopped me.

Ruth: I don't think so, Laser. K.C. already has a boyfriend and his name is Darien.

Me: Say what? No, no, what I have with K.C. was special. It can't be!

I slowly turned and walked to the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed as I stared at Ruth in disbelief.

(Ruth's POV)

I kind of felt bad for him. But I have to admit, the crestfallen look was perfect on him.

Me: Aw, does baby need his blankie?

Brett: No, but he is sad... He as in Brett, not the baby.

Me: Dude, I don't blame K.C., after what you did to the Coopers... I'm surprised they agreed to do the mission with you.

As Brett opened his mouth to object, I heard Mr Cooper call out from downstairs.

Mr Cooper: Ruth, Brett, Zach, come downstairs, we have to tell you something!

I got up and left the room, with Brett in tow. I came downstairs and saw a guy sitting on the couch with him, whom I assumed to be Zach. Woah! That is one tall glass of handsome! I covered up my excitement and calmly took my initial spot on the couch from earlier today. Brett joined me beside me.

Me: Yo laser, that your cousin?

Brett: Yep.

Me: How is it that both of you are so hot? You know what, I really want to meet your parents. See where those genes came from.

Wait, did I just call Brett hot? Oh no, did that slip out of my blabber mouth? Oh boy!

Brett: Excuse me, did I hear that right? Ruth Sinclair, aka Glasses, thinks I am hot. But, I can't fault you for saying the truth, can I, darling?

Me: Um, since when did Glasses turn to darling?

Brett: Since you started liking me.

Me: I thought the only person in your heart was K.C.?

Brett: Didn't you say she has a boyfriend?

Me: You move on quick.

Mr Cooper: What are you guys talking in secret?

Me: Oh, nothing, Mr Cooper. About the mission?

Mr Cooper: Ah yes, your first mission as a team. Now, I have already briefed Ernie and K.C. about this. Your first mission is at the Annual Ball, where a couple from The Other Side is also attending. You have to bust their cover and bring them to the Organization. Simple?

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