I was surprised with Deku's reaction, his face twisting into panic and surprise while tensing up next to me.
"U-uh what? Really?! You think so, huh?" He asked. "I've never really thought about that..."
He looked away, going into a ramble about how his quirk could be similar to the famous hero's, gaining a raised eyebrow from me.

"Wait, hold on. You're forgetting that All Might doesn't hurt himself. That makes a huge difference." Kirishima inputted from next to Tsu, while I heard Deku breathe a sigh of relief.

But why though?

I went back into my thoughts as the others started talking about their quirks and how flashy they are, some complaining or comparing quirks to ones of pro heroes, but I didn't have much of a contribution to the talk.

Besides, I was quirkless before there was an opportunity to gain power, and none of the quirks I was given are that flashy to be honest.

But still, why did All For One seem surprised that he was able to give me multiple quirks without anything happening? He did mention that he has given multiple quirks to others, but something happened to them that didn't happen to me.

But what was it?

"Hey, hey, we're here. Stop messing around." Mr Aizawa spoke up as the bus turned a corner.
"Yes, sir." We all replied, settling into our seats as the bus came to a stop.

"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you." A person wearing what seemed to be a spacesuit greeted outside of the facility.

I could hear everyone's gasps of surprise and awe, including me, as the Pro Hero, Thirteen stood in front of us.

Excited whispering broke out through the class as we gazed at the pro, Deku immediately going into fanboy mode while Uraraka jumped on her feet.

"Woo hoo! Thirteen is one of my favourite heroes!" Uraraka exclaimed.
"I can't wait to show you what's inside." They said.
"This is going to be awesome!"


We walked in and it was an understatement that this place was big.
It was HUGE, bigger than any place I had ever been in.

There were different areas around the place, a large pool, a few domes and a large rocky area near the far back.

"It's like an amusement park!" Someone pointed out as we looked around the place in awe.

I was excited, but could also feel the lingering threat of doom in the back of my mind because something bad was going to happen today.

"Shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etcetera! I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters! I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint, but you can call it the USJ!" Thirteen explained to us.

'So a lot like Universal Studios Japan huh?' I thought.

Mr Aizawa walked over to Thirteen, me hearing a brief mention of All Might as the two talked in hushed tones while we still looked around at the place before Mr Aizawa turned to us.

'Wait, isn't All Might supposed to be here as well?' I thought to myself. 'It said so on the papers.'

I looked around, seeing if there was any glimpse of the hero, but no.

'Fuck, if Shigaraki finds out, he's going to have my head for lying to him.' I panicked, nervously fiddling with my hands.

"The clock's ticking, we should get started." He announced.
"Excellent! Before we begin, let me just say one thing. Well maybe two things, possibly three, four, or five.." Thirteen started.

The Green Light (Bnha x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now