Chapter 18

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I slowly crept down the stairs, it was early and mostly everyone in the orphanage would be asleep until the second-year sports festival was on. I wanted to leave before then.

"Hey, where are you heading off to?" I heard a voice ask as I was halfway to the door.
I turned to see Dylan standing there with an inquisitive look on his face and mug of coffee in his hand.

"Out?" I replied as if it wasn't obvious enough. "I have some stuff to do today, like work and that."
"Oh, I've started to look for a job recently, could I come with you to yours and see if they have any positions open?" He asked.

"Uh, well I don't think they do have any positions open at the moment-"
"Well, there's no harm in asking now, is there?" Dylan replied, draining the last of his coffee. "Wait for me there and we'll go there together."

"Oh, I- um, also remembered I was going out shopping as well, boring stuff." I said.

"Faye's birthday is soon too, I want to get her something, might as well kill two birds with one stone." Dylan replied nonchalantly, starting to head up the stairs. "Let me just grab my bag."

He went up before I could say anything, leaving me in a slight panic.

There was no way I was going to lead him to the League of Villains, he could be killed or worse, report them along with me to the police.

I was about to bail and run out until he hurriedly ran down the stairs and gave me a grin. "Let's go!"
I gave a defeated sigh as we walked out and down the road towards the train station.

"So where we heading to?" He asked as we boarded the train, I noticed a couple of people giving us stares as we did but ignored them.

"Kamino Ward." I replied, staring out of the window, and watching a large crowd of people get off a train on the other side of the platform. Most likely heading to the sports festival.

"That area? Perfect, I could look for a couple of jobs there." Dylan replied, mostly to himself.
"Mm." I replied, trying to think of how I could try to ditch him long enough to get to Grian and Shigaraki.
"Wait, aren't most businesses closed when the Sports Festival happens?" Dylan asked after a few minutes of silence.


"Uh, I'm pretty sure, I know mine is closed, but I just need to go into my work for something." I replied. "But yeah, I'm pretty sure most large businesses are closed, not too sure about smaller ones though."
"Hmm...well I won't be able to ask at your job then."

I went onto my phone, starting play a random game I had on there.

"Hey, did you hear that Ingenium was attacked yesterday in Hosu city?" Dylan asked.
I paused and looked up. "Really?"

That was probably why Iida left early, I hope he's alright.
"Yeah, the Hero Killer got him in a pretty bad shape. Luckily he survived though."

The Hero Killer was a man that went around attacking, most likely killing, pro heroes he deemed unworthy. He's been around ever since All Might had debuted apparently, though he hasn't ever been caught, even if he were cornered by a dozen police, he would miraculously escape.

"That's horrible." I replied.
"Yeah, doubt he'd be able to go back into hero work because of how bad he was messed up."

We went silent, me back onto playing my game, but also wondering how Iida was feeling at the moment. I knew he deeply admired his brother, so I doubted he'd be taking the news well of his brother possibly being unable to work as a hero anymore.

"So, what do you think Faye would want for her birthday?" Dylan asked after a while, changing the subject.
I thought. "Well, I know she likes artwork and pottery. Maybe something like that?"
"Yeah, maybe."

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