Chapter 7

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I walked out from the school and started walking back to the orphanage before seeing Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya walking ahead of me.

'Hmm, I wonder if his finger is alright.' I thought, walking a little faster to catch up with the three.

"Umm, hello." I said as I was behind them, causing them to stop and turn around.
"Oh, (Y/n)! Everything alright?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah." I replied before looking at Uraraka and Iida. "Oh, don't think we've officially met, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Great to meet your acquaintance! I'm Tenya Iida!" Iida replied.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ochako Uraraka."

I smiled a little. "Nice to meet you too, I was just wondering how your finger was Midoriya."
"Oh, it's fine. Recovery Girl healed it up for me." He said, holding up his bandaged finger. Hey, want to walk with us? We're heading to the station."

I nodded. "I'm heading that way, sure."
We started walking again, discussing how the test was and how surprised Uraraka, Midoriya and Iida were with what Mr Aizawa said at the end.

Eventually I had to split away from the group, so I bid them a goodbye and went on my way as they continued walking towards the station.

"Hey." A voice said to me as I walked and I huffed, rolling my eyes.
"What do you want, Dylan?" I asked, not paying him much mind.
"Nothing, just see that you made some new friends. Do they know about your current living status?"

I side-glared at him and started to walk a little faster.
"Anyway, did you put a sketch in for a hero costume? Or didn't you because you're quirkless?"
"I've always had a quirk, what are you talking about?" I lied. "And yes, so what if I had put in a sketch, sure it probably won't be as flashy or egotistical as yours."

"How did you even get into the hero course anyway?" He asked.
"Through the entrance exams, duh." I replied.
"But how did you rack up enough points in your quirkless state to get in is what I'm asking."

I stiffened a little before looking at him properly.
"Why do you need to know?" I snapped. "And what even is this weird obsession you have over me?"

I heard his breathing hitch as he fumbled for an excuse as I turned my head back to the street, I could see the orphanage ahead.
"Whatever." I said, activating the kinetic booster and my camouflage and sped away, leaving Dylan standing there in confusion.


The curriculum for the hero course was; normal school subjects in the morning like English, then lunch in the cafeteria where food was at a reasonable price to purchase, then in the afternoon we had basic hero training.

During lunch I had been sitting with Uraraka, Iida and Midoriya, though I noticed that Uraraka called Midoriya 'Deku' and I guess I kind of started calling him that as well.

I did notice Dylan sitting with Mina, Kaminari, Sero and that at lunch, whatever.

Today during our Hero Basic Training, we were told that we were doing practical exercises, which had the class pretty amped up and excited.

"I am.....coming through the door like a normal person!" A very familiar voice yelled as the one and only All Might came into the class.

I hid a scowl at the hero while everyone else were jumping out of their seats upon seeing the Symbol of Peace.

'Shigaraki would be glad I have some very useful information for him.' I thought suddenly, even though it had been a few months since I had last visited the bar.

I slipped my phone out and snapped a photo for proof before putting it away and putting on a fake smile as I joined in with the students admiration.

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