The Land of Spring

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"They have to come out right?" Deidara asked, but she just remained silent. She was not so sure about that statement at all. Nor was she sure of the woman's intentions with Naruto, and that freaked her out even more.

"You are sure that they can't bring this down right?" Naruto asked quietly. Koyuki was currently making dinner for him and his fox. She turned and gave him a wide smile before nodding.

"If they couldn't dispell the outside jutsu, they are no match for my inner shield, its 100 times more powerful than the blizzard, now tell me what the hell is going on with you." She said as she started serving the food. When she looked up, she saw the small blondle silently crying. She instantly set the food down and went to hug him. His Snow fox was alert, but the animal seemed content to have her console his master, so she paid it no thought.

"Life sucks." He said at last. At that she couldn't help it, she laughed. She started patting his head and remained quiet to give him time and space.

"Then those two idiots refuse to leave me alone. Its as if they are afraid that I'm going to kill myself or something... I'm not that suicidal right..? He asked her. The fox snorted and she gave a small laugh.

"You? Suicidal? Have they met you?" She asked amused. Naruto blushed, then his gaze dropped.

"I'm not the same anymore." He said quietly. "What is there to fight for when all my precious people are lost..." He said. She looked at him seriously before making him look at her directly in the eyes.

"Yet you know that's not true, don't you? Rumors have it that your family is safe, and alive." She told him harshly.

"I-... I know that... But I saw them die. And it hurt so much. I know the real them are still back there. But when I saw them die. Something came over me, it was so strong. I could feel what it would had hurt to lose them. Even if my mind told me it was a plot, my feelings of loss were genuine. And I can't stand them. Whenever I look at them all I want to do is go back, but at the very time, a small part of me looks at them and can't accept that they are still alive... Am I even making sense?" He asked softly. She sighed at that.

"I can't help you, this is something you must decide on your own, but Naruto, do not lose yourself over this. Whatever that doubt is, do not let it eat you alive. Your family is safe, and so are you, do not lose them just because you are afraid to lose them. If you indeed felt their loss, use that as motivation to keep them safe, it is not like you to give up and run away." She said and patted his head once more before placing food in front of him. She grabbed a juicy steak and settled it in front of the little snow fox too. His deep blue eyes looked at her with gratitude. She smiled at him and turned back to Naruto.

"Now tell me, who are the two that are currently trying to destroy my home?" She asked smiling. At that, Naruto cheered up.

"Nora calls me her brother in law, shes old though, at first I thought she was Deidara's girlfriend but they both denied it. I don't have a brother old enough to be her husband though, but I also can't detect a lie from her. Deidara is my missing older brother. My parents used to talk of him as if they believed he was dead, but here he is. So that's at least good right..?" He asked sheepishly. She shook her head smiling.

"Do you trust the girl?" She asked him. He thought about it for a moment before nodding.

"She was with me when a village I used to look after got attacked. No one would had blamed her for just leaving, but she left her prized possession behind to let me know she had taken my genin team back to safety. After two weeks, i decided to pay you a visit, and she found a reliable place to leave the kids there safety It would had been too harsh to bring them up your mountain with us." He explained and she nodded.

"I see, your little fox seems to disagree with you though, I couldn't help but notice how he doesn't like her." At that, the fox stretched out without a care in the world. Naruto laughed.

"Nah, if he truly didn't trust her, he would had already told me to ditch her off. I believe the hate towards her comes from an old grudge or something." He said. She nodded and stood.

"Well Naruto kun, feel free to stay for as long as you need. You know the way to your room. I will let the other two in." She said. He nodded and climbed up the stairs. Immediately, his fox started following him. He smiled and patted its head, its soft white fur slipping through his fingers comforting him.

"What would I do without you, little fella?" He asked. The little fox turned to look at him and gave him a foxy grin before nudging him to the bed. They had arrived. Naruto laid down and his fox immediately settled besides him, keeping guard. Naruto smiled for the last time before he had his very first peaceful sleep in a while.

A/N: Koyuki is indeed the Princess of the Land of Snow. Watch the movie Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow. Instead of Kakashi going with them to the mission, in my story it was Kurama that went. The events are mostly the same, with a few great edits. Koyuki leaves the throne to her younger sister, an og that will be introduced later. This will all be explained later. I hope you enjoy~
What do you guys think of Lil Snow tho? OwO He's such a fluffy furrball. Have you wondered why he hates Nora? :D ah look, a dinosaur! Time to go~

The Life of a Lone Fox~ A Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now