I saw my dad just sit there and take it all. He didn't interrupt her. He didn't cower from the onslaught of verbal abuse. And after about 10 minutes of her ranting and raving about how he should have told her sooner, and that he should have been there for her and her mom, I got up and left the room. Just because he could take it, doesn't mean that I could.

    I went to the bedroom and locked the door behind me. The moment the lock clicked into place I started not to be able to see anymore as my eyes were filled with tears and they started to run down my face.

    I knew what this was, I've been here before. I knew what would come next. I knew, but I couldn't stop it from happening. One side of my brain was saying, 'breathe, it's a panic attack. Just breathe and we will get through this. There's no need to fall apart. You can handle this, just breathe.' The other part of my brain was saying, 'There's a bed right there. Go take a nap and it will be better in the morning.'

    That's when I started to hear something else. A new part of my brain started to speak to me. One that I have never heard before. A younger part. One that has never actually made itself known to me before. At least not until now.

    'You gots a big sissy an' a daddy. You no have to do anyfing anymore. They can make all the big choices and you can just be youself now. You been having to deal with all this stuff you whole life. It time to take a break, at least for a little while. How about we let them do whatever they are going to do and we just go take a bath and relax for a while? No more worrying about school and getting good grades. No more bullies at school. No more having to take care of others. No more worrying about you room being perfect. No more yelling and screaming. Just you in a nice warm tub relaxing. Maybe they even have bubbles you can put in the bath and play with them.'

    That third voice made a good point. I have been trying so hard for so long. I have been getting good grades at school. My room looks like it's from a catalog, all perfect with nothing out of place. No secrets from my dad except for one. And then there's also no privacy either. No one to really talk to since my mom died when I was really young. No real friends to speak of except for Sam. And now I find out that she is my sister. And where do I find this out? On the moon.  It was all a bit too much all of the sudden.

    The next thing I knew, I was running a bath. I didn't even know how I got there, but the tub was almost full, so I shut off the water and tried to get out of the darn jumpsuit I was in. It wouldn't unzip, so I gave up on it. I got in the tub with it on. I just wanted to relax in some warm water. And so, that's what I did. I couldn't find any bubbles to put in the bath, but the suit was fun to play with in the water. It would float on the water when there was air in it. I could even make my arms float all by themselves. I almost drowned myself when I filled up my legs and feet up with air. They floated but the rest of me went under. I came up gasping for air myself. Don't get me wrong, it was fun when I only filled my feet up with air the next time.

    I guess I was in there a long time because the next thing I knew, my dad and sister were standing in the bathroom looking at me. Also, the water had gone cold, something I hadn't noticed until that point. A chill went through my body and I started to shake a little. I looked down at myself, then back at my dad. "Cold" was the only thing I could say. That's when I really started to shiver and shake.

    "Samantha, grab me a towel please while I help get Max out of the tub." Dad started grabbing me and I looked at me then at him. 

"I wet." 

Dad chuckled a little bit and said "Yes you are. How about I get you all dry and in to some nice pajamas, ok?" He picked me up and stood me up. He had a hard time getting the zipper down, but he managed. Sam handed him the towel and left the room. About 2 seconds after the towel got put around me and I started to warm up, I passed out.
(3rd person POV)

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