Restoring the heart

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"We are Moana and (Y/n) of Motunui. Aboard our boat, we will sail across the sea and restore the heart of Te Fiti." Moana said. As you approached the island for a second time, you took the time to form a plan. It was a bit difficult however with Heihei trying to step off the boat at any given moment. Next thing you knew, Te Ka was in front of you. "Te Kâ can't follow us into the water. We make it past the barrier islands, we make it to Te Fiti." Moana told you. You nod. "Right." You said. Moana readies herself for the fight ahead, and Te Ka rears herself around the barrier islands, watching Moana menacingly.Te Ka raises her arm and you leap to the front of the boat just like Maui did when fighting the Kakamora, and swerving it away from Te Ka. Moana pulls at the mast to level it out and Te Ka hits the water, causing lava crust to form on her arm, and missing Moana. Moana levels out the canoe, and Te Ka blasts the lava crust off and crawls across the barrier islands, trying to catch the canoe. Moana sees a break in the barrier islands and turns the boat to make it through when Te Ka launches a lava ball at you and her, missing again. The canoe rides into ocean fog and Te Ka frantically looks for the sail. Te Ka spies what she thinks is the sail, but it turns out to be a pointy rock and you and Moana are ahead of her. You give the lava monster a haughty look as Te Ka drops her jaw in shock. You pull open the sail and surge forward, turning into the opening while remaining unaware that Te Ka has another lava ball ready. You and Moana made it into the passage, but Te Ka launches the lava ball again, hitting the rocks above and sending an avalanche into the water below. Moana frantically directs the boat in and around trying to not get hit. Suddenly she falls and the heart is knocked out of her locket.

Suddenly Hei Hei appears and grabs the heart just in time. "Hei Hei! No! No! No!" You said. Instead of swallowing it this time, Hei Hei gives it back to Moana. "Nice work." You said. After almost being hit again, you and Moana safely make it through, and see what is left of Te Fiti. "Te Fiti." Moana said. Suddenly Te Ka comes up behind in a surprise attack, sending you and Moana and the canoe flying forward and you and Moana into the treacherous waters. You and Moana frantically swim to the surface and cling to the bottom of the canoe. Hei Hei is bobbing away in a basket. You and Moana try to pull up the canoe to no avail. Te Ka rages in for another attack and you swim in front of Moana to protect her. Suddenly a screech is heard in the distance. Looking up, you saw Maui. Diving in his hawk form, he detransforms and cuts off Te Ka's hand with his hook. "Maui!" You and Moana said. "You came back." Moana said. Maui gives her a sheepish smile, and Mini Maui grins at her. "But your hook. One more hit, and..." you said. Maui smiles. "Te Ka's gotta catch me first." He said. Behind them, Te Ka roars and Maui grins, ready for the battle. Using his hook, he brings the canoe right side up. "I've got your back, chosen ones. Go, save the world." Maui said. "Maui." Moana said. He looks at her. "Thank you." You said. He smiles. "You're welcome." He said. Maui takes to the skies again to distract Te Ka, turning into a beetle, and then turning into a whale, landing and causing a massive splash, dousing Te Ka with water and sending you and Moana forward. Te Ka readies up again, when suddenly there's a chomping sound, and Te Ka sees Maui in his shark form chomping on her finger. She flings him up and he turns into a lizard, scampering across her shoulder and down her arm, trying to hit him. "Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" Maui said. Maui jumps and takes off. Maui goes again and chops off Te Ka's arm, causing her to scream out in pain. "Hey, Te Ka!" Maui said. Maui is on Te Ka's arm, in sharkhead form. "Sharkhead!" Maui said.

Te Ka gives him a weird look. Another battle cry, Maui again chops off her hand and flies off, but is hit by Te Ka and launched into a rock, detransforming. Te Ka sees you and Moana getting closer to Te Fiti and launches a lava ball. "Moana! (Y/N)!" Maui cried. The ocean rears up and saves you and Moana in the nick of time, but launching you off the canoe. The ocean carries you both to the shore of Te Fiti and you both begin to climb. "Get the heart to the spiral!" Maui said. Maui picks up his already damaged hook, sharing a look with Mini Maui, they ready themselves, and leap for Te Ka, and make impact, sending a blast all over, pinning Moana to the lava rock, and sending Maui in a cloud onto another rock. His hook is cut in half. You and Moana reach the top of Te Fiti and gasp. "Te Fiti... it's... gone." Moana said. Youturn around hearing Te Ka, who moves her hand from her chest, revealing a spiral. You realized what had happened. You look at Moana. It looked like she knew too. "Te Ka!" Maui said. Maui begins doing a chant to again distract Te Ka, who reaches her arm up, ready to hit Maui with the biggest lava ball yet, when suddenly, a green glow in the distance catches their attention. It's Moana, holding the heart up for them all to see. Having Te Ka's attention, you and Moana made your way down. You and Moana make your way to the edge of the lava rock. You calmly look at the water. "Let her come to us." You said. The ocean parts, forming a path for you and Moana to Te Ka. The two look at each other, and you and Moana bravely make your way down, with Te Ka raging forward.


We have crossed the horizon to find you


We know your name

You and Moana made the way up a rock, so that you are on a pedestal.


They have stolen the heart from inside you

Te Ka comes closer and closer, sending a cloud of fire and heat at the two of you.


But this does not define you

You, Moana and Te Ka look at each other again, you and Moana giving her a sympathetic expression.


This is not who you are

Te Ka lowers herself for you and Moana, significantly calmer. The red glow inside dimming down.


You know who you are

You and Moana share hongi with Te Ka, who closes her eyes. "Who you truly are." Moana whispers. You place the heart inside of the spiral, and immediately, green comes forth. You and Moana step back and watch as Te Fiti rises. The lava crumbles away, revealing the lush green of the goddess of life below. Te Fiti opens her brilliant green eyes for the first time in 1000 years, and smiles you and Moana. "Te Fiti." You said. You are speechless as you watch Te Fiti regain herself and make her way to her resting place. The ocean picks up you and Moana to show you the beauty of Te Fiti. Te Fiti runs her hand through the lava, calling forth life back to her island once again. The darkened skies are blue again. You and Moana are gently placed upon the grass while Maui is dumped, and Hei Hei is spit out. Maui watched as the bird landed with a laugh. "The chicken lives."He said. You and Moana looked at Maui. "I'm sorry about your hook." Moana said. Maui shrugged. "Well, hook. No hook, I'm Maui." He said. Just then, the three of you were lifted into the air, all held on the palm of Te Fiti's hand. Realizing the situation, you and Moana quickly dropped down to bow. Maui needed a little push before he did so as well. As they all stood up again, Maui grinned as he looked at Te Fiti, trying to play it cool. "Hey, I mean, how you been?" He asked. Te Fiti just gave him a stern look. "Look, what I did was ... wrong," Maui confessed humbly. "I have no excuse. I'm sorry." He said. Te Fiti raised her other hand then and opened her palm to reveal Maui's hook in one piece. The demigod was eager to grab it but refrained. "You know, it will be rude to not take the gift of the Goddess." You said. "Thank you," Maui said as he grabbed the hook and bowed his head. "Your kindness is deeply appreciated." He didn't wait another second then before transforming and flying off, landing back on the ground below.

Te Fiti gave one final gift as she formed a new boat, having lost the old one in the battle. Then she set them down and moved away before she became one with the island again. You three stood there as you took in the island in front of you. "We really did it. We really did it!" You turned then as you hugged Moana, Moana happily hugging you back with a laugh. When all of you reached the boat, Maui had just finished dropping fruit into the hatch when Heihei walked forward and fell head first right into it. "Gonna miss you, drumstick," Maui said as he laughed at the chicken. You finished fixing the ropes before Moana looked at Maui. "You can come with us, you know. Our people are going to need a ... master wave finder." Moana said. Maui smiles. "They already have one." He showed her then as a new tattoo formed, looking very similar to you and Moana as you two sailed. You and Moana launched at the demigod then, hugging him tightly as you both realized this is where they part ways. "See you out there, Maui." You said as the demigod stepped back. Maui nodded. "See you out there, (Y/n)... Moana." He said. He took off in hawk form, disappearing into the horizon.

Time Skip

You and Moana arrived back on your home island. Your parents saw your ship in the water and ran toward the ocean. You and Moana both land on shore and run to hug your parents. "Mom, Dad!" Moana said. Your parents hug you both. "Moana! (Y/n)!" They said. "We may have gone a little ways past the reef." You said. "It suits you two." Tui smiles. Suddenly other villagers ran over. "Moana! (Y/n)!" They shouted. The pig ran over to you. "Pua!" You said as you hugged the pig. You, Moana and the rest of the villagers pulled boats to the ocean together. You saw another pink and white shell appear from the ocean and gave it to Moana, who placed it on top of the rock pile. You, Moana and the rest of the village road boats out into the ocean, with Moana as the new chief, and you as her right hand.

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