We know the way

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Moana lets loose the sail, though almost falling on her face. Pua does a little pig grunt at you and Moana, you give him a reassuring look. "We're okay, Pua. We can do this." You encourage both you and the pig. You and Moana look out past the line of the reef. "There's more fish, beyond the reef...There's more beyond the reef." Moana said. You two make it past the barrier, the water is a little rough, but not too bad. "Not so bad." You said. Then the water begins to get very rough, but the wind is rougher. Suddenly a large wave comes for the boat and hits the boat. You and Moana recover, but Pua doesn't, you both turn and see Pua trying to tread water. "Pua!" Moana said. You and Moana try to paddle the water to get the pig but it's no use. A wave that's even bigger than the first, crashes onto you and Moana, capsizing the boat, knocking you both off. Moana somehow manages to get ahold of Pua and resurfaces, placing him on a steady part of the boat, but then your hit by another wave this time in the head, causing you to be pushed down into the reef. When this happens your foot getting caught in coral. "(Y/N)!" Moana screamed in panic. She quickly swims under the ocean and sees you struggling to get free. Moana manages to get a rock, smashing it against the coral, freeing you. You both resurface, but only for a few seconds when you're both knocked back under again by another wave.

It's later in the day now, with a boat shattered and scattered all over the beach, and you and Moana, barely catching your breath, crawl up onto shore, gasping for air and soaked to the bone. "Thanks, Moana." You said. "You're- you're welcome." She gasped. Pua is making a bunch of different sounds as he topples over the boat, he sees the oar and runs away. You turn over, wincing in pain, seeing a huge scrape on your foot. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Moana asked. "Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks to you." You said. "Whatever just happened, blame it on the pig." You gasp and stand, hiding your injured foot from Tala. "Grandma!" Moana said. She uses her cane to bring up your foot to inspect it. "Are... you gonna tell dad?" You asked. "I'm his mom, I don't have to tell him anything." Tala smiles at you. Moana sighs, looking at the ocean over her shoulder. "He was right...about going out there." She looks up. "It's time to put my stone on the mountain." She said. Tala gives Moana a look. "...Okay! Well, then head on back, put that stone up there." Tala shoves her cane into the sand, and makes her way into the water, where a group of sting rays swim up to her. She begins to dance with them. You and Moana are just about to walk away. You turned around. "Why aren't you trying to talk her out of it?" You asked. "She said that's what she wanted." Tala replies in a matter-of-fact way. "It is." Moana said. You and Moana begin making your way back to the village.

"When I die, I'm going to come back this one of these." Tala said, referring to the stingrays in the ocean. "Or I chose the wrong tattoo." She said. "Why are you acting weird?" You asked your grandmother. "I'm the village crazy lady. That's my job." Tala said. "If there's something you want to tell us, just tell us. Is...there something you want to tell us?" Moana asked. Tala turns to her with a crazy look in her eyes. "Is there something you want to hear?" She asked. You, Moana and Tala were making your way up to a wall of vines, Moana holding a torch and supporting her grandmother. "You two have been told all our people's stories, but one!" Tala said. "What is this place?" You asked. "Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?" Tala parts back vines, revealing a weird pile of rocks. You push them in, and surprisingly this caused a gust of air to blow out. Tala cackles at this in delight. "What's in there?" Moana asked. "The answer, to the question you keep asking yourself. Who are you meant to be?" Tala hands her a torch, and you and Moana make your way inside. "Go inside, bang the drum, and find out." Tala said. You and Moana carefully walk into a cave, that's filled with a lot of boats.

A waterfall hides the cave, giving it a beautiful blue glow. You and Moana gasp at the sight and Moana runs her hand down the side of one, with very detailed designs carved and painted on it. Her torch lights a sail up, revealing a painting of Maui with his hook. Moana gasps again at the sight of a specific boat. A smaller one, with a red swirl painting on the sail. You're both drawn to this one, so Moana pulls the torch down and hops on grinning, you jump next to her. You both admire the waterfall, you turn and push at the sail, causing it to spin and reveal a boat four times its size. It's beautiful. You two eagerly climbs up, feeling the worn wood beneath your fingers. Then you two the see the drum, two drumsticks resting on top. "Bang the drum..." you pick up the drumsticks and you lightly tap the drum, the sound kind of echoes through the cavern, but now loudly. You do it again, a little harder, this time though you can hear the echo, you hit it one last time, which makes a big echo, and the four torches beside you two light up out of nowhere. You and Moana turn to the sail, with a scene painted on it, boats sailing from one island to the next. Chanting begins...and all the boats torches are lit.


Tatou o tagata folau e vala'auina

E le atua o le sami tele e o mai

Ia ava'e le lu'itau e lelei


Aue, aue

Nuku I mua

Te manulele e tataki e

Aue, aue

Te fenua, te malie,

Nae ko hakilia mo kaiga e

We read the wind and the sky

When the sun is high

We sail the length of sea

On the ocean breeze

At night we name every star

We know where we are

We know who we are, who we are

Aue, aue,

We set a course to find

A brand new island everywhere we row

Aue, aue,

We keep our island in our mind

And when it's time to find home

We know the way

Aue, aue, we are explorers reading every sign

We tell the stories of our elders

In the never ending chain

Aue, aue

Te fenua, te mālie

Nā heko hakilia

We know the way

"We were voyagers... we were voyagers!" Moana said. Tala is sitting outside the cave, waiting patiently for you and Moana, who then come sprinting out cheering. "We were voyagers!" You said. Moana runs up to Tala. "Why'd we stop?" Moana asked. "Maui. When he stole from the Mother Island, darkness fell. Te Ka awoke, monsters lurked, and boats stopped coming back." Tala said. "To protect our people, the ancient chiefs forbid voyaging. And now we have forgotten who we are." Tala stands and begins making her way down the mountain with you and Moana following her. "And the darkness has continued to spread, chasing away our fish, draining the life from island after island." Tala said. "Our island." You said. "But one day, two people will journey beyond our reef, find Maui, deliver him across the great ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti." Tala pops open her shell locket and gives what was in it to Moana. What's put into her hand is revealed to be the Heart of Te Fiti.

"I was there that day...the ocean chose you two." Tala said. You three turn to the ocean, and it pops its 'head' up before you, you and Moana and the ocean look at each other, and Moana clutches the heart. "I thought it was a dream." Moana said. The ocean swirls around before dumping water on her. "Nope!" Tala said. "Our ancestors believed Maui lies there at the bottom of his hook. Follow it and you will find him." "But... Why'd it choose us? We- we don't even know how to make it past the reef." You said. It hits her, Moana grins and spins around and you and Moana run off. "But we know who does!" Tala nods and achingly takes a seat, gazing out to sea.

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