How Far I'll go

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"And every storm, this roof leaks, no matter how many fromds I had." A villager said. "Fixed! Not the fronds. Wind shifted the post." You said as you jumped down. "Ah." The villager said. Moana took some meat from the bowl. "Mmm! That's good pork!" She said. She looked down as the pig frowned. "Moana!" You scolded. "Oh! I didn't mean... I wasn't... They're calling me, so I gotta... Bye!" Moana said as she ran away. You went after her. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" A villager said as he was getting a tattoo. "You're doing great." You said comfortingly. "Is it done yet?" The villager asked. He continued screaming. "So close." Moana said. You and Moana were teaching young children how to dance. Suddenly a boy dances over. He dances in a weird way and winks at you. You and Moana looked at each other awkwardly. "I'm curious about that chicken eating the rock. He seems to lack the basic intelligence required for pretty much everything. Should we maybe just cook him?" The villager asked. "Uh... Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface. " You said. The chicken swallowed the rock. "Far beneath in some cases. But I'm sure there's more to Heihei than meets the eye." You said. The chicken then spit the rock out. Three villagers came to you and Moana. "It's the harvest. This morning, I was husking the coconuts and..." they opened the coconuts and you and Moana saw that they were not too good looking. "Well, we should clear the diseased trees and we will start a new grove. There." Moana said. "Thanks, Moana. They're doing great." The villager said to your mother.

"This suits you two." Tui said. Suddenly fishermen ran over. You looked at them. "Chief? There's something you need to see." One of them said. You, Moana and Tui followed them to the ocean. "Our traps in the east lagoon, they're pulling up less and less fish." The fisherman said. "Then we'll rotate the fishing grounds." You said. "Uh, we have. There's no fish." The fisherman said. "Oh. Then we'll fish the far side of the island." Moana said. "We tried." The fishermen said. "The windward side?" You asked. "And the leeward side, the shallows, the channel. We've tried the whole lagoon. They're just gone." One of them said. You and Moana looked at everyone, then looked at the ocean. Then you both climbed onto a boat. "Have you tried using a different bait?" Tui asked. "I don't think it's the bait. There's no fish. It seems like it's getting worse and worse." The fishermansaid. "Of course, I understand you have reason for concern. I will talk to the council. I'm sure we..." Tui said. "What if we fish beyond the reef?" Moana asked.

"No one goes beyond the reef." Tui said. "We know. But if there are no fish in the lagoon..." you said. "(Y/n)..." Tui said. "And there's a whole ocean." Moana said. "We have one rule." Tui said. "An old rule, when there were fish." You said. "A rule that keeps us safe..." Tui said. "But Dad, we..." Moana said. "instead of endangering our people so you can run right back to the water!" He yelled. You gasped. The fishermen looked away awkwardly. "Every time I think you two are past this..." he said. He grabs your paddle and storms off. "No one goes beyond the reef!" He said. You and Moana are throwing broken sticks into the sand. Sina approached you and her. "Well, it's not like you said it in front of your dad, standing on a boat..." Sina said. "We didn't say, go beyond the reef, because we want to be on the ocean!" You said. "But you still do. He's hard on you two because-" "Because he doesn't get us." Moana said. "Because, he was you." Sina said. You and Moana looked at her. "Drawn to the ocean...down by the shore." Sina said. "He took a canoe, Moana. He crossed the reef. "And found an unforgiving sea. Waves like mountains. His best friend begged to be on that boat, and your dad couldn't save him." Sina said. You looked at Sina, with pity for your father. Sina looks into the distance, remembering the news. "He's hoping, he can save you two." Sina said. Then she walked away.



I've been staring at the edge of the water

'Long as I can remember, never really knowing why

I wish I could be the perfect daughter

But I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try

Every turn I take, every trail I track

Every path I make, every road leads back

To the place I know, where I can not go, where I long to be


See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know, if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go


I know everybody on this island, seems so happy on this island

Everything is by design

I know everybody on this island has a role on this island

So maybe I can roll with mine

I can lead with pride, I can make us strong

I'll be satisfied if I play along

But the voice inside sings a different song

What is wrong with me?


See the light as it shines on the sea? It's blinding

But no one knows, how deep it goes

And it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me

And let me know, what's beyond that line, will I cross that line?

You and Moana

The line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me

And no one knows, how far it goes

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me

One day I'll know, how far I'll go

Moana X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz