Where You Are

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"In the beginning, there was only ocean, until the Mother Island emerged. Te Fiti. Her heart held the greatest power ever known. It could create life itself. And Te Fiti shared it with the world. But in time some began to seek Te Fiti's heart. They believed if they could posses it, the great power of creation would be theirs. And one day... the most daring of them all voyaged across the vast ocean to take it. He was a demigod of the wind and sea. He was a warrior. A trickster. A shapeshifter who could change form with the power of his magical fish hook.And his name was Maui.But without her heart, Te Fiti began to crumble giving birth to a terrible darkness.Maui tried to escape, but was confronted by another who sought the heart.Te Kâ! A demon of earth and fire.Maui was struck from the sky... never to be seen again. And his magical fish hook and the heart of Te Fiti were lost to the sea. Where, even now, a thousand years later, Te Kâ and the demons of the deep still hunt for the heart. Hiding in a darkness that will continue to spread, chasing away our fish, draining the life from island after island, until every one of us is devoured by the bloodthirsty jaws of inescapable death!" Gramma said.

All of the children listening looked terrified, except for two, who clapped and chuckled. "But one day, the heart will be found by two who will journey beyond the reef, find Maui, deliever him across the great ocean to restore Te Fiti's heart and save us all." Gramma said. You and Moana looked up in inspiration. Suddenly their father walked over. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Thank you, Mother. That's enough." He said. "Papa." Moana said. "No one goes outside the reef. We are safe here. There is no darkness. There are no monsters." He said. Suddenly curtains of monsters appeared all over the tent. All of the children ran away in fear. "Monsters!" A child screamed. "There's no monsters, no monsters..." Tui said. "It's the darkness!" A child screamed. "No, there is nothing beyond our reef, but storms and rough seas." Tui said. "I'm gonna throw up." Another child said. "As long as we stay on our very safe island, we'll be fine." Tui said. "The legends are true. Someone will have to go." Gramma said. "Mother, Motunui is a paradise. Who would want to go anywhere else?" Tuiasked.While the two were arguing, you and Moana sunk down to the ocean. You and Moana saw a pretty pink seashell wash up on shore. You and Moana went to pick it up. Suddenly you heard birds and you looked over to see a turtle trapped under some leaves. Moana turned to see what you were looking at. Moana grabbed a big leaf, and put it under the turtle as it walked toward the ocean. You guarded Moana and the turtle from the birds. "Shoo, shoo!" You said. Then you chased the other bird away. Moana flipped the turtle back, and you and Moana led it to the ocean. Then something magical happened. Part of the ocean moved back, revealing the same shell from earlier. Moana giggled, then went to pick it up. You walked over and saw another shell in the water.

You giggled and waved. The ocean moved again. A fish was left out of the water, then quickly flipped back in the ocean. You picked up the next shell, and the ocean moved again. You and Moana took turns picking up shells. You both saw a big turtle and then the same turtle you helped before swim by. Then a wave appeared above you two. It moved closer, and it almost looked like it was looking at you and Moana with curiosity. You tilted your head at the wave, and it looked like it was doing the same. The wave went closer. Moana touched it, then giggled. The wave then put itself on your hair, getting it all wet. You smiled and giggled. When it released, part of your hair was up, with a flower on it. You giggled. Suddenly something shiny and green came over. Moana reached out and grabbed it. You looked at what she was holding. "Moana! (Y/n)!" Tui called. The wave paused, then carried you and Moana back to shore. Tui gasped and ran over to you and Moana. "There you two are. What are you doing? You scared me." He said as he picked you two up and began to carry you both away from the ocean. "Papa, we want to go back!" You said. "I know, I know. But you don't go out there. It's dangerous. Girls, come on. Let's go back to the village. You are the next great chief of our village of our people, and as for you, (Y/n), you will be Moana's right hand." Tui said. "And you will do wonderous things, my little girls." Sina said. "Oh, yes. But first, you must learn where you're meant to be." Tui said.

Moana X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora