chapter 4

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After the dinner.
Everyone go to their room and go to sleep. But error spend his time make a puppet that looks like all the 1-A student he also make all migth and aizawa sensei as well.
Till in the morning.
Everyone already wake up and get ready to the school.
Deku come to the error's room.
"Error? Are you already get ready for school?"
Error come out to the rooms. Error wears UA unifrom with his black hoodie.
"Are you dont feeling to hot or warm?"
"Nah this is comfy."
Deku smiled and start to show error the class. Error hide his face with his hoodie. He dont want his face get caught.
At the class. Error take his seat on the back on 3th chairs and its very close to the window.
He just staring around the class. Theres alot of student.
Heres some student that i know with his quirk.
1. Izuku midoriya : all for one
2. Katsuki bakugo : explosion.
3. Shoto tidoroki : ice and fire.
4. Tsuyu asui : frogie.
5. Ochako uraraka : gravity
6. Kyouka jirõu : erape girl.
7. Mina : ocid (i think)
8. Kaminari : electric (pikachu)
9. Kirishima : earth body (sharky boy)
10. Lida : fast.
Thats all...
"HEY!! AIZAWA SENSEI IS COMING!!!" Lida yelles with his hand.
Aizawa sensei come in.

♡Error POV♡
Well its seems like aizawa sensei has coming to our class i wonder what we going to learn today.
"Just do what ever you want i dont care"
Wait wut....
This is weird is this teacher doesn't have any topics to learn? Its so dumb.
Welp im just gonna take a slice paper to draw smth or else.
"Eeeeyyy error!"
I flinch and search the voices. Oh it was red sharky boy.
"Eum... hai?"
"My name is kirishima nice to meet you!"
"Oh well nice MEAT you too!"
I'll make a little pun that make kirishima laugh.
"Pppfffftt hahhaha!!"
"Nice pun dude!"
"Heh... thanks."
Kirishima smiled and go to her Bakubabe *insert lenny face* hehehe kiribaku!
Well then since hes left maybe i can continue draw. Well im drawing a girl with a white hair, his eye is black the pupils are blue glowing. He wear a white sweater. Hes also use a golden necklace. He have a galaxy blue scarf he wear a short pants with a jacket on it her pants is ligth blue with his jacket dark blue. Hes smiled and have a integration soul (ingrio) he sit on a chair and a table hes show his glowing soul. I finished the draw literally 23 minutes long.
Some one said to me.
"Oh wow!!! Youre draw is so beautiful! I like it!"
I went to turn around and saw a smiley pink alien girl.
"Im mina! Mina ashido, nice to meet you!"
I smiled and say.
"Well... hello mina my name is error and nice ti meet you too!"
"Im very love your draw how you could to that?"
"Practice ofc"
"So cool!!!"
SKIP TIME!!!!!!!!
Sowwy just being lazy : (
Well since everybody go to the outside hang out...
Well if you asked me why im not joining well because im scared of the people in the outside. They must be going to hurt me.
Well imma going to watch TV instead!
Hmmmm. Imma going to watch an korean drama. Phsycopath but thats okay.
Welp lets start from the eps one.
Eeekkkk!!!! Moon gang te is so adorable with so ye ji!! Akkkhhhh!!!!
Some note:
That korean drama that error watch is real! Just watch it on the Netflix cuz its Netflix original. Also its comedy as well and romantic also mistery and kinda creepy.
Awwww the drama its done!! Can wait for another episode.
Hmmm.... what should i do again.
Lemme check the clock.
Its already 22.30 they not come back yet!!!
I should searching for them.
*knock knock knock*
Huh a knock its must be them! or maybe all migth and sensei.
I go walked to the door and when i opened it was sensei and all migth with a 2 people as well.
"Well good afternoon young error! Have you seen young midoriya and his friends?"
"No i was about to search them"
"Well if you dont recognize this 2 people, this is present Mic and this is midnight" aizawa said.
"Oh well what are you guys need?"
"We need you to find deku and his classmate dear" midnigth said.
"Sure lemme check them."
I opened a portal for check that they is okay or not. But i think they get kidnapped by a villains.
"I think they got kidnapped by a villains."
"Well lets go safe them!!!"

3rd POV

At the villains base.
"AHAHAHAHA..... oh... bakugo we just about to TEST are your new friend is care about you or not 10 minutes again if hes not come you all will be BURN ALIVE!!!!"
"Really izu-chan? I dont think he will come anyway"
"Guys do you feel smth weird on this base? The base its getting colder than we though"
"I dont care about it dabi!!"
"I wasn't talk to you!!"
"Wait the min- AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"
All the villains get fly by error's strings. Dabi tried to burn it. But he failed. Toga tried to cut it and failed to.
"The strings is so strong and i-i-i c-c-cant b-b-bre-breath"
The strings went into the villains neck and tied them really strong and make them cant breath. After wait till the villains unconscious. The pro hero all migth and aizawa also midnigth, present Mic and  error show up and untied them all.
"Sorry we are late."
"Its okay error at least you safe us once again with the pro heroes as well"
Error smiled.
After they all untied.
"Well what do we do with the extras HANGING on the ceiling."
"Meh, imma going to put it at school do you have umm.... some school prisons or smth like that"
"Oh yeah we had it"
"Well just put them in there and give it electric collar"
"Good idea!"
Errir untied the villains and opened the portal leading to the prisons school just for an villains then error throw him to the inside.
"We will put the collar later"
"Alright lets go home!"
Error make 2 portals one for the pro heroes and one for the classmate.
And then they entered the portal and go home safely.
To Be Continue
Word counts : 1102

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