(5)shell we dance

Start from the beginning

"Okay," Shelly had finished and had turned to Vader with a expecting look, "tell me about your self." Vader didn't know what to say, what wasn't classified, or wouldn't make him sound crazy or both.

"I'm 46, I used to be a jedi, I got kicked out due to not fallowing the code, got married, she had a son, she died, I ran away from everyone in my life, a friend from the Jedi too him to live with his uncle, now my son lives with me and he's training to become a jedi."

"Wow, that's a lot."

"Yeah, so how about you?"

"So this is where I scare all the boys who won't be worth it." She said with a straight face. Then burst out laughing, "in all seriousness, I'm 37, never been married, I work for Bail Organa, no parents, or siblings. I've been working for most my life and had no time for dates till now. So your son what's his name?"

"Luke." They continued to talk till it was past 8 when she said she had a early morning and had to go.

"But here's my phone number, I hope we can talk soon."

Vader hyped up on adrenaline, decided to do something stupid. "Same time and place next week?"

Shelly looked surprised, then a small smile, and nodded. She went inside her apartment, not looking back. Vader didn't know it, but the reason why was she was worried that she had started blushing.

Time skip: 6 months, Vader's and Lukes apartment.

"Are you sure this is alright, Luke?"

"Yeah dad, you should get a girlfriend."

"She isn't my girlfriend yet, I haven't asked her yet." He knew it was ridiculous, they had been seeing each other for months, but still would call each other girlfriend or boyfriend. They had wanted to take it slow.

"Still, you disserve a someone. I just hope she likes me."

Vader smiled at his son,"of course she will." Luke was so much like Padme, if she was a a boy she would be luke, Vader thought happily.

"You'd better get going, you don't want your girlfriend waiting." Luke had stressed the word 'girlfriend' just to get his father.

Vader looked at his watch and made his way to the door. "Okay, but don't forget that Obi-Wan and the other skywalkers are coming over as well." Satine had wanted to come but was busy with her planet, and the constant state of chaos it was in. Luke got to cooking. They had alot of people coming over so he had to get cooking. His aunt baru had taught him how to cook from a very young age, all though he wasn't as good as her.

Soon enough came the door bell, " it's unlocked." He hollered over his shoulder. "I can't come to the door, I can't leave with this stir fry." He heard the opening and closing of the doors. He looked over to see Obi-Wan and the skywalkers had all come to gether. In Obi-Wan's hands was a apple pie, one of his homemade verity. While Anakin and padme had obviously bought their cherry pie at a store seeing as it was still in the box.

"Would you like some help luke?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Yeah could you start the chicken? I want them grilled please."


"And mom, dad just sit down and make yourself at home." Looking reliefed they didn't get the chance to blow up the kitchen on accident today, they put down the pie they brought on the counter. They went to the living room and waited. Another opening of the door.

"I'm home luke, are the others here yet?"

"Yes, father, dad and mom are in the living room and Obi-Wan is with me." He knew that Vader had told her about the time travel, but didn't fully believe it yet. Shelly walked into the kitchen with potato salad in hand.

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