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Hey guys back after so long ... hope you like this chapter enjoy!

Camis POV
It was morning and Lili didn't come that night so i was expecting her to text me.
She texted me to meet around 11Am.
When I met her she showed me her ring and she was so happy.
" Lili babee im so happy for you" i said and i was really exited.
"Thanks Cami. Im happy too. I can not believe it!" She said.
"Can't wait till your wedding" i said.

We talked about things went and while we were talking a guy came over and talked to us.
"Hey i am Julian. You are really pretty." He told me.
"Umm... thanks..." i said. I was confused honestly.
"So the reason i came here was because i really liked you and i thought to give it a try." He said.
"Haha thanks but i am engaged" i said.
"Oh thats too bad. I guess i will see you around." He said.
"I hope not" i murmured.

"Wasn't that weird Lils" i asked her.
"Well ya he got balls to come here and talk like that. Anyway we have to go to the company Cole says they need us" she said.
"Okay lets go" i said.

And we left to the company. When we went there of course the staring wouldn't miss so we had gotten kinda used to it.

I saw the Receptionist on and call and it looked clearly that she wasn't on a business-call.

Me and Lili went there to tell her to inform the boys. She wasn't even hearing us a bit.
Me being the impulsive person i am, i took her phone and turned the call off.

"Inform Cole we are here" Lili said. And not in her sweet voice. Honestly this serious Lili scared me.

The receptionist looked like she didn't care much tho, but she informed the boys either way.

"Pack your things because in five minutes you will be fired" i told her. 

Usually im am not like thus but seriously this is not the first time and looking and this the guys may lose important calls because of her lazy ass.

We went to the boys office. They were in Kjs office.

"Babe we fired the receptionist" Lili said.

"She was totally ignoring the customers for a private phone call and really its not in the Jobs ethics this thing." I said.

"What can i say I gave you this authority you don't need to inform us anymore." Kj said.
"Well we have a meeting so join us" Cole said.

We went to the meeting room and we were waiting for our client.
Just thank came in a young boy.
I couldn't believe it.

"Oh the pretty girl" he said  and i felt Kjs face getting a little way too serious.

"Um hi, Julius. Nice to see you again." I said and i felt kinda awkward .

"Well Julius what a rare coincidence" Lili said and she smiled.

She was enjoying this way too much she loved to see Kj jealous since he was more reserved than Cole.

"Hello Mr Harringtone. I see that you have met my fiancee." He said.

Honestly i didn't like the look on Kjs face.

"Yes we met this morning. You are a lucky man Mr Apa to have such a beautiful woman soon to be your wife." He said.

"I guess i am. Mr Harringtone i will be straight with you. We don't think we can close a deal with your company." Kjs said.

"Why is that may i know" Julian asked.

"We simply don't agree with the terms on the contract." Kjs said.

"But on the phone you said-" but Kj cut him to that.

"I an truly sorry Mr Harringtone but we have taken this decision. I hope you have and nice day" Kj said and took my hand and left the room.

Lilis POV
We saw Kj and Cami leave and it was a little bit of awkward.

"I apologize for my partners behavior, but unfortunately he doesn't agree there fore it can be no contract made. Now if you excuse us" Cole said.

And we left the room.

"Kj was really rude there babe and you weren't any better" i told him

"We he can not come in and talk like that. That is not how you deal with business Lili." He told me .

"But i do know you have to be polite at least that was completely unpolite.

"Anyway where did Cami and Kj went" i said.

"I don't know lets check the office" he said.

We checked everywhere but didn't find them. They had left.

Camis POV
We went out if the office and Kj looked furious.

"Babe.." i said.

"Don't Babe me when u obviously flirt right infront of my eyes" he shouted as we were walking to the parking lot.

"How was i flirting it was him that did that. How is it my fault now" i said

"Well he clearly identified you and the pretty girl " he was really furious right now.

"No just this morning he asked me out and i declined him. How can you call this that i flirted with him" i was shouting too at this point.

"Oh come o Camila you clearly even were on first name term" he shouted.

"How can you say that. Where did you see the flirt there Kj. And after all the things we done together you still don't believe me. You cant handle your jealousy" i screamed.

"I am not jealous of that punk. How can you think that. You just flirt with every guy" he said.

"Unbelievable you out of all people should know that i don't." I Said.

I couldn't believe he said that. We were at home now.

He stopped the car in the frontyard and told me to get off.

I got off and slammed the door a little too hard.

I ran home and cried myself to sleep.

A week has passed and i have been avoiding Kj and much as i can. Lili kept telling me we should talk with each other but i didn't want to. He had to come and ask for forgiveness.
But him being Kjs didn't come.

During the week Cole and Lili tried once to make us make up but failed miserably.

Kj was a real ass to me that day.

"Maybe you should go talk to him because he is not brave enough" Lili said.

" i don't care he has to come and apologize." I said.

"But Cami you're suffering because of your stubbornness." She said.

"Lili we both know i am right" i told her.

"I know i just don't like seeing you sad . " she sad.
And she hugged me.

So guys i hope you enjoyed it. It took me a lot of thought and this is the best storyline i could come up with.
I really hope you like it.
And thank you all for supporting me.

Please vote and comment. Stay safe!

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