Interview With LaLa3445

En başından başla

2. Are any of those books completed? And if so, which ones?

No but one is about to be

3. Would you or have you ever put a book on hold indefinitely?

Yes I have two 

4. Which of your book is/was your favorite to write (The Effects Of Storm)  which do you update most often, (The Effects Of Storm)  which is the easiest to write for you (Who Owns My Heart) and which do you dislike the most? (Never Judge A Book By Its Cover) (and why?)  Because it doesnt look like its going anywhere

5. How long does it usually take you to write a complete chapter, editing included if you do edit?

It could take anywhere from a few hours to a week it all depends on whats going on

6. If you could recommend one of your books for someone to read, completed or in progress, which would it be?

The Effects Of Storm 

7. What's your favorite part of a book to write?

Its between the romance and the humor 

8. What is your least favorite part to write?

The depressing parts

9. If you could score yourself on how good of an author you are, 1-10, what would your number be?


10. How many other eBook/Writing websites do you use to post your stories and which ones are they? 



10 Questions About What You Think of Wattpad!

1. What was the first thought in your mind when you found this eBook-ing website?

" well this could be cool"

2. After first starting Wattpad, how easy was it for you to figure out how to use it?

Well it took like a week

3. If you could change one thing about Wattpad or the Wattpad App, what would it be?

I would change the fact that you can only fan so many people

4. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?

Being able to write about anything and feel free about it

5. Whose your favorite author on here, and what's your favorite book written by them

@DyingToBeHeard , Torn

6. How many fans is the perfect number for you?


7. What do you think should be done to make less-popular authors on here, more popular?

Having Wattpad randomly pick a author and promote them for a full day

8. What's your favorite genre of book to read on here?

Fan fiction

9. What 'Undiscovered Gem' on Wattpad do you recommend most for reading (yours or someone elses)?

I recommend DyingToBeHeards fan fiction Torn

10. And over all, what would you rate Wattpad (on a score of 1-10) and if you’ve used any other eBook-ing websites, how do they compare?

10 and I dont


10 Rather Random Questions! 

1. In which cliché do you consider yourself to be a part of?

Falling inlove with your friends brother

2. Dogs or cats?


3. Can you unjumble this word: jluebmnu



4. Have you ever been to an out of control (i.e. involving drugs or alcohol in mass amounts) high school party?


5. Would you rather be kicked by a kangaroo or a kickboxing bear?

Kickboxing bear 

6. Fill in the blank:

I want to kiss a _____puppy______.

7. What's your favorite symbol that you can make on the keyboard?

I cant make any

8. Do you enjoy storms?


9. What is your favorite word?

Vaggegie ( its a word me amd my friends made up) 

10. Favorite soda/pop?

Root beer

Interview With The Author [Book Two: Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin