Chapter 1 - After all these years

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Hello everyone!

This is my very first Inuyasha fanfic, so please, be nice! ^^ I discovered Inuyasha in March-April 2020 and I fell in love with it completely. If you can find any mistakes etc. from my fanfic, please, be kind and tell me, so I can fix those! My English skills are not as good as I would like them to be, so sorry about that! I just don't have anyone, who could read through and check my texts for me. But hopefully you readers get my point from it and can follow the story! Wonderful Rumiko Takahashi owns the characters/story, whose life I continued with my own, special color pen. Enjoy!

When Your Heart Makes a Wish

Old, hidden well. It is waiting, hearing the wish of the heart. Remembering. When there is only memories left. Those memories, that only someone special can share with you. Regardless of time or place. Another wish has been made too, hesitantly. Without daring to hope for, what the heart wants most. But that's enough. The well is not alone - someone is running towards it. Fast, like it is about life or death. Opens the doors, runs down the stairs, stops and jumps without hesitating at all. Wishing...

"I need to see him. Please, let me go to him!"

The light flow glows from the depths of the well. But something is not right there. That old well knows the wishes, without knowing theirs destiny.

Chapter 1 - After all these years...

Kagome is enchanted while she is looking at the night sky at her home yard on temple square. Wondering, how the stars are shining so brightly there. They had never appeared like this in her time before, because the light pollution too skillfully concealing its beauty. But now they shine as if the lights of the whole city had gone out.

"A shooting star... Second one, and third!" a young woman breathes in enchantment.

Stars are falling above her, like little diamonds. The sight is so dumbfounded, that Kagome does not even notice to make a wish. But the sight also makes her remember, how she loved falling asleep under the stars. If only I could share this sight... With him. She finds herself thinking.

Suddenly she hears it; the voice she heard coming from the sanctuary building, was so familiar, that it could not be mistaken. She had not heard it in years. Kagome runs as fast as she can, her long black hair fluttering and hearing how blood rushed in her ears. She opens the doors with hurry, runs down the stairs and jumps into the embrace of the old well. Kagome falls, but unexpectedly into someone's arms at the bottom of the well. After surviving of the fright, Kagome bursts into a wide smile.

"Inuyasha, you got here! How this is possible?", Kagome's happy voice echoes from the walls of the well.

She drops down from Inuyasha's arms and snaps herself around his neck, hugging firmly. Inuyasha hesitates for a little moment, then hugs back gently, until he hugs her harder than ever before. Kagome is very surprised, but at the same time rejoices, when Inuyasha hugs her so. You really are here... I can't believe this! Kagome feels overwhelmed with happiness.

"I guess, you also missed me for a little bit?", she asks, gently touching the other soft silver-white dog ear above Inuyasha's head.

"Kagome...", he only gets answered quietly.

"I-is everything alright?", Kagome asks, when he is pretty quiet, just hugging her.

"I wanted to see you. You smell nice, I don't want to let go of you...", Inuyasha slurs into Kagome's hair, sounding like he is half asleep.

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