"I missed you babies so much." She says whilst stroking Oreo's fur. I shake my head while smiling softly, it hasn't even been a minute and she's already playing with the dogs. I head towards the kitchen to make us some lunch. I figured that from now, I'll have to take the upper hand in the kitchen since I can't let Emmy cook. I feel a pair of arms hugging my waist from behind, as I am chopping up some vegetables.

"Whatcha cooking?" She asks pressing her cheek against my back. I turn around and kiss her nose.

"I'm making a salad." I say holding her gently against me. She puts her tongue out in disgust and hides her face in my chest.

"Yuck. I'm sick and tired of eating these leaves." She says.

"Well, you're not the only one eating it babe." I say smacking her ass gently. Ever since the doctor has given me her diet chart, I'd eat the exact same food as hers, so that she doesn't feel alone.

"Yeah....about that, I don't want you to eat those nasty food with me, you should some nice yummy food." she says looking up at me while placing her chin on my chest.

"I don't care about the food baby. I can even eat dirt if you ask me to." I say kissing her forehead.


I wake when I feel something wet on the bed. I open my eyes and see Emmy cuddled up in my chest. She is peacefully sleeping, her soft breaths hitting my naked chest. I lift the comforter from my side to see a wet spot on the  bed. What the fuck? Did I actually wet the fucking bed? I take a closer look and see that it's coming from.......Emmy? Ohh my fucking God. The doctor did say that she's gonna have some lack of coordination in her brain, I guess she didn't even realize she has wet the bed. Now if I wake her up and show it to her, she's going to be very embarrassed, she might even start crying for God's sake. Fuck! What do I do? I guess I'll just change her clothes, and the sheets, and put her to bed on the other room. Anyways she's a heavy sleeper, thanks to her medications. She won't know a thing if I change her clothes. I immediately change her clothes, along with the bedsheets and take her to the other room. I guess I might need a shower so that I don't smell like piss.

I come out of the shower wrapping the towel around my waist, I head towards the other room to ensure that Emmy is still asleep. As I open the door, I see her sitting up straight, rubbing her eyes and sniffling. I immediately rush to her side and pull her hands away from her face.

"Baby? What happened? Why are you crying?" I ask apprehensively.

"I don't know! I suddenly woke up and saw that I was in an unfamiliar room, I got scared and before I could decipher what was happening, I started crying." She says. I wipe her tears off and kiss her cheek. From the day she woke up in the hospital till today, I might've wiped her tears for at least 50 times. Well, constant mood swings is an other side effect of brain damage. I pull her close to me and hug her. My poor baby is going through so much, I can't even imagine how difficult it is for her. I'll do everything in my power to make this easy for her. She pulls away and looks at me questioningly,

"What am I doing in this room anyways?" She asks. I let out a quiet sigh, trying to figure out how I'm gonna explain all this to her.

"I'll tell you everything but before that I need to put some clothes on..........unless you don't want me to." I say with a smirk. She blushes and pats my cheek lightly.

Once I'm done changing, I go to the living room and see Emmy lying down on the couch watching some soap opera. I go towards her to lift her head and place it on my lap, once I sit on the couch. I switch off the TV which causes Emma to whine whilst sitting straight.

"Baby I got to tell you something." I say as I play with her hair.

"What?" She asks innocently, drawing patterns on my arm that is resting on her thigh.

"Uhm do you know why I moved you to the other room?" I ask her.


"Well, uhm..........you sort of.......wet the bed in your sleep." I say softly, holding her tightly against me to show her that it's completely fine and there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"What? What are you talking about?" She asks confused.

"I guess you don't realize that you have to use the bathroom when you're asleep. It might be the result of the brain damage you know?" As I expected, her entire face turns a dark shade of red, she tries to pull away from me but I hold her close.

"Baby it's alright. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's not your fault sweetheart." I say kissing her cheek.

"So did you........change my clothes?" She asks shyly.

"No. Oreo and Tony did." I say mockingly, because of which I get a nice smack on my chest.

"I'm joking. Of course I changed you." I say whilst laughing.

"But I swear I didn't see a thing, I closed my eyes the whole time. I didn't see any of your goodies, babe." I say trying to hide my smile. The last thing I want is to have her go crazy over the fact that I changed her and saw her naked, which I didn't. True to my words, I closed my eyes the whole time I changed her, not because I didn't want to see her cute, curvy body, but because I respected her privacy.

"Oh dear God. What do I do now?" She says, deflating like a balloon.

"I was thinking, we could buy adults diapers you know? It can be used at night, when you're asleep. " I say, but I'm pretty sure Emmy didn't hear a word what I said because she is currently, in her own world.

"Oh God what are people going to think about me? They're all gonna laugh at me." Emmy says, her eyes watering. Here we go with the waterworks. I gently place her on my lap and stroke her cheek.

"How the fuck will people come to know Emma?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I just know that I'm being a big burden to you. This really shouldn't be your responsibility." She says dejected.

"Emmy, this is my responsibility. What kind of a stupid ass boyfriend will I be if you aren't my responsibility? And I promise this is going to be our little secret. No one will know a thing." I say pressing a soft kiss on her neck. She looks way more calm now.

"Thank you so much Jon, I don't know what I would've done without you." She says looking intently into my eyes.

"Don't thank me Emmy. You know that I love taking care of you. No matter how many sheets I gotta change, how many tasteless food I have to eat, how many tears of yours I gotta wipe, I'll do it all, because you're so worth it Emmy. And I can't wait to make you mine." I say, kissing her passionately. Her hands entwine with my hair, and my hands go to her waist, I gently squeeze them before I make my way to her ass.
She immediately pulls away and looks at me with disgust.

"What?" I ask.

"You said I wetted the bed didn't I?"


"So that means you changed my clothes without me having a shower?"


"Ewww I gotta take a shower in that case." She says heading towards the bathroom in small steps, she stops midway and turns around, looking at me mischievously.

"Jonny?" She calls out sweetly.


"I guess I might need a helping hand in the shower."

Well, guess who hit the fucking jackpot.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am really sorry if there are any grammatical errors in this chapter, I was really really exhausted while writing this and didn't have the energy to edit it. So I hope you guys can bear with me and enjoy it.

Vote and comment if you liked it.

Adios ✌🏻♥️

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