Kokichis 5th Birthday

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Kokichis pov

One year later

"Big bwo wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see my cute baby sister jumping about. She looked like a girl Version of daddy but one of her eyes were pink like mommy's and the other one was red. She had such pretty eyes and long pretty hair. I love her so much!

I pick her up and carried her downstairs. Mama smiled at me when I walked into the kitchen.

"happy birthday baby. Did karai wake you up?"

I nodded hugging her. Mama chuckled.

"sorry about that. I guess she couldn't wait to give you your present."

"present!" karai wiggled out of my arms and ran up to mama. Mum handed her the box and she gave it to me excitedly.

I opened it and saw a checkered neckerchief inside. I grinned widely and put it on. I pulled both mama and karai into a hug.

"thank you! I promise I'll never take it off!"

Mama laughed "that's probably a good thing seeing as you definitely need to grow into it!"

Daddy came into the kitchen rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"morning hun" mommy said kissing daddy on the cheek. I covered karais eyes so she didn't have to she something so gross. "you sure did sleep in. Couldn't you have woken up a little earlier for your sons birthday?"

"my apologies" daddy got down on one knee and handed me a locket. "this shall protect you from evil spirits"

"cool" I whispered "I promise I'll carry it with me everywhere I go"

"wise choice child" daddy smiled as he took a seat at the table.

"mommy when's the party going to start?" I asked.

"in a couple of hours when the guests arrive." mama grinned at me excitedly. "I've invited everyone from your elementory school and ordered a big bouncy castle."

"yay!" I jumped up and down excited "this is going to so much fun!"

Time skip

All the guests had finally arrived. Even maki my new cousin had arrived! (fuyuhiko adopted maki after she tried to assassinate him) we all ran out to the bouncy castle and played in it. Kaito even taught us some cool bouncing tricks!

Eventually mama called us in for tea and cake. Everyone sang happy birthday and I blew out the candles. I made a wish that everything could always stay so nice!

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