Bubble Bath

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I learned about bathing a baby in child development so I figured I'd put it down into writing.

Kazuikis pov

I walked into the kitchen to find gundam and kokichi cooking. Well if you can even call it cooking! Gundam was beating the batter singlehandedly with a rolling pin and kokichi was throwing flour over himself.

I giggled at the sight and gundam immediately spun around in surprise.

"ah kazuiki I did not expect you to have returned so soon" gundam said looking embarrassed

I put my hands on my hips, trying to hide my smile "what are you doing gundam?"

"Well me and the tiny mortal decided to ban together to make you a birthday cake"

"oh my birthday? I forgot about that"

"you always do my darling and its quite upsetting. Your day of birth should be celebrated not forgotten" he looked genuinely upset. I wasn't used to celebrating my birthday seeing as my dad never did but gundam was very serious about celebrating birthdays. I smiled and rubbed the batter off of his face.

"alright let's give kokichi a bath and then we'll bake a cake together"

He grinned at me "very well my dear"

I placed a fluffy towal down and lay kokichi on it. I then filled the plastic bath with water. I checked that the water was lukewarm and then gently lowered kokichi in. Since he wasn't old enough to hold up his own head I had to place my hand under his head.

Kokichi was fascinated with the bubbles and kept trying to grab them. His eyes would widen everytime he opened his hand to find no bubbles. He even made a little "huh?" sound. He's honestly the cutest thing.

Once he was clean I wrapped him in one of those towals with the hoods (I have no idea what there called) and carried him into the living room. Once he was tucked into his cot for his evening nap I went back to gundam to bake that cake. Once that cake was baked we stuck a 24 candle on the cake and spent the rest of the evening blissfully eating chocolate cake.

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