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Close to death, A 50 year old pale looking woman with a swollen face and droopy eyelid was laying on a torn bed sheet spread over a worn out mattress, she looks weary and cranky surprisingly older than her age. With just a glance, you would know she lacks medication nor proper treatment. Her expression was of frustration and fatigue. The world seem not a place for her. She had had enough. Heart aches were her constant companions, not friends but always with her. Good and Bad memories both warmed and haunted her, sometimes drawing a smile other times a tear. Everybody wants to live long but what good is it if your life partner is dead and your children whom you have dedicated your life to lift up are too busy to visit or even give a call? They don't even bother about your health despite knowing your ailment. What is it then but marking time? If not for Fa'izah she don't know what will have become of her. The little girl is just 13 but acts like an adult. Fa'izah have seen a lot of challenges at this tender age since her parents demise 6 months ago. "Ya Allah ease her affairs and forgive my Children " she muttered under her breath.
It's 2 years since they last visited I don't want to curse them they're still my kids she thought as her thought wandered back to many years back

Years back....

Shafa'atu Usman a Native of Hausa from Zaria,Kaduna state. She gave birth to two children Ibrahim and Maryam with her late husband Mallam Isma'il who was a teacher in their village Basawa. Few months after their marriage, he got transferred to kano. So they both relocated, Ibrahim was 10 years old while Maryam was 6 years old when Mallam died in a ghastly motor accident.

Malam's death took a toll on the family, she was left with nothing to cater for the kids, malam's gratuity was held and no one gave them anything! She sold all her furnitures in order to start up a petty business to further her children's education and make them comfortable. Mallam Isma'il's biggest dream was to educate them both and she vowed to fulfill his wish. She sent the kids to one of the best private school, train them well to the best of her ability according to the teachings of Islam and makes sure they eat healthy balanced diet even when she won't get a morsel, during Eid celebrations or other occasions she make sure her kids had new clothes.

Unfortunately, they don't pity her inspite of all she has been doing for them. Fast forward they graduated from secondary but a year before Ibrahim started coming home late and roaming around with some rich kids, his sister also started to hangout with friends whom she met at school who happened to be a spoilt rich brat, they always shout at her or speak rudely to her being a mother she thought perhaps it's adolescence but the matter got worst.
Ibrahim being brilliant got an international scholarship immediately after secondary school where he studied Software Engineering while Maryam also an intelligent young lady got admission into Nursing science at BUK. Fatima's bad behavior got worst when she was enrolled into the university. She doesn't help her mom with house chores and refer her mother to as a maid anytime her friends visited. She told Umma Shafa'atu that she's ashamed to be seen as a daughter of Akara seller. That statement triggered the pain Umma had been burying, as a result of this we was diagnosed with High Blood Pressure. The Doctor advised that she stop frying akara but that wasn't possible. Ibrahim despite being on scholarship need pocket money so also Maryam who wanted to get married. She brought a Politician saying she can't continue the school anymore. After much persuasion she agreed to complete her studies on the condition that Umma marry her off immediately after her finals. 3 Years later Ibrahim came back home as a graduate while Maryam was in her semi final year. He got engaged to his colleague Rahma, whose father Alhaji Abdulrahman happen to be the CEO of a Telecommunications company. He employed Ibrahim on Rahma's insistance because of her undying love for him. Umma Shafa'atu was extremely happy that she shed tears of joy. She has finally fulfilled her late husband's wish and her kids are successful she can now rest little did she know, immediately after Ibrahim got married to Rahma, he got transferred to Abuja. Rahma being a selfish evil woman doesn't like Ibrahim to look after his Mother. She did all she could to stop Ibrahim from visiting his Mother as he had promised when she admonished him during his wedding though he sent her money from time to time. Maryam who likes to be seen as a big girl completed her studies and relocated to Abuja leaving her ailing mother with no one to take care of. She met Rahma's cousin and got married to him not long after. As a result of their negligence, Umma Shafa'atu's health deteriorated and she got a cardiac arrest. Ibrahim has 4 kids now while Maryam gave birth to a pair of twins when she last saw them . The last time they visited 2 years ago was when Ibrahim got sacked from his place of job. In their words, the came to seek for her forgiveness saying they have repented promising to change and even take her with them. Ibrahim kept to his promise at first but later on everything took a drastic turn. Maryam on the other hand always complain of time she's always busy at the hospital and raising the twins is a whole lot of work as she said.
They had both forgotten how I suffered while raising them. She sighed as a bitter tears roll down her pale looking face. She pressed the scraped Nokia phone beside her hoping that just maybe one of them have remember to check on her today.

Looking at the phone it's 3:30 pm and Fa'izah isn't back yet. What could have happen to the poor girl? Her heart skipped at the thought of something bad happening to the orphan.

"Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah" Fa'izah's greetings caught her off her thoughts.
" Wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullah " Ah Fa'izah sannu da zuwa 'yar albarka ko daga gani kin gaji(Welcome back Fa'izah the blessed word, from all indications you are extremely tired)
Umma answered as she stumbled on her words her voice very low.
Yawwa Umma Sannu Ya jikin? she asked she untie Ammar who have been sleeping (How're you feeling now Umma?)

"Alhamdulillah my child, why are your eyes swollen? Akwai wanda ya tabaki neh?? What happened my child?"

Faiza gave her a toothy before answering

"Babu kowa umma kasa neh yashiga idon shiyasa after all am your brave child"

Umma's heart clenched knowing that faiza is lying due to her health, she sent a silent prayer towards the creator.

"Umma I've got 300 naira with me, let me go and buy taliyan hanu with palm oil so that we can have something to eat and you'll take your medication"

"Allah ya miki albarka faiza ( May Allah bless you faiza)"

Ya Allah kabani abunda zan kula da umma da ammar ka ciremu cikin wanann kuncin ya Allah - prayed faiza as a lone tear escaped.


Phone rings......

"Speak up"- unknown

"Sir we've found her, she lives in Gadon kaya, should we bring her?"

He smirked as a thought crossed his mine, finally am getting my revenge


"No not yet just keep an eye on her"

"Yes sir"

Let's see how I deal with you bitch he clenched his jaws.

Ghen ghen who could this be?

Assalamu alaikum hello guys! Yes it's another chappie💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 show some love and drop your comments❤️

We love you all❤️

HAWKING IS NOT MY WISHNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ