Chapter 1: Here we go again

Start from the beginning

Walking near the shop Natalie could see crowds of people, more than usual. They were all whispering and looking into the shop. "What's the big deal" Natalie thought to herself Walking in. Natalie seen Harry go up to Ron and his Family. Natalie had a big smile on her face so see Ron and his brothers Fred and George.
Natalie was going to walk over and say hi but someone grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.
"Where on earth did you go Natalie" Evangeline said dusting Natalies cloak.
"Was just looking around Grandmother" Natalie said moving her Grandmothers hand .
"What is it with my shoulder today" Natalie said to herself.
"What was that" Evangeline said confused.
"Huh, oh nothing" Natalie said clearing her throat.
"Harry Potter" Someone shouted.
Natalie turned to see Harry getting his photo taken with a man. The man had blonde hair and his outfit matched his hair.
"Who the bloody hell is he" Natalie said confused .
Evangeline just hit Natalies shoulder.
"That man is Lockhart he's very popular".
Natalie just shrugged her shoulders and looked at the books , trying to not look at her gran trying to get close to him. Natalie wasn't too bothered about people like him, Natalie could tell his ego was higher than his IQ.
Natalie managed to walk away from her Grandmother and went over to Ron and the others .

"Ron" Natalie said walking over to him.
"Natalie hey" Ron said giving her a hug which his brothers just made whistling sounds.
"Come on" Ron said hitting his Brothers.
"Oh I forgot you like" Fred said but Ron started to freak out and hit him.
"You two" A women said telling them off.
The woman turns around seeing Natalie with a nervous smile.
"This must be Natalie" The lady said.
"You can call me Molly Weasley"
"It's a pleasure to meet you" Natalie says shaking Molly's hand and saying hello to the others .
Natalie was enjoying her time with the Weasleys, they all were very welcoming.
"Famous Harry Potter, can't even go to a book signing without making the front page" Draco says right at Harry's face.
When Natalie heard Draco she couldn't help but he mad, Natalie hated this side of him.
"Seriously" Natalie said rolling her eyes.
"Leave him alone" Ginny says giving Draco a glare.
"Aww got yourself a girlfriend Potter" Draco says with a chuckle.
Natalie didn't say anything and just crossed her arms.
Draco looked over to Natalie keeping his smirk on his face.
Natalie just shook her head at Draco and looking away.
Hermione was defending Harry also .
"You heard Ginny" Hermione said walking up to Draco.
"No one ask you Mudblood" Draco said right at Hermione's face which made her get a little tear in her eye.
Natalies eyes were locked on Draco with rage, before Natalie could walk over to him his father walked in.
"Now Draco play nicely" Lucius said pushing Draco to the side slowly.
"You much be a Weasley" Lucius said looking Ron up and down.
Natalie pushed herself out the way of the others, finally having enough.
"I'd appreciate it Lucius and Draco if you two would be more polite to my friend" Natalie said with a firm tone.
Everyone just looked surprised at Natalie. Ron and Harry were trying to hold back a smile knowing that Draco can't win when it comes to Natalie.
Lucius didn't say anything and kept talking down to the others.
Natalie just glared at him and looked over at Draco with an angry look.
"I may be new to Magic and this way of like" Natalie said slowly walking to Draco and then leaning into Draco.
"But I don't tolerate Racism" She whispered to Draco.
Draco got chills down his spine when Natalie talked and not the good kind, he felt the anger in her voice.
Draco opened his mouth to speak but Natalie covered his mouth.
"I know Racism when I see , no matter what the term is".
Draco just looked at Natalie knowing he hurt her, Draco could see her eyes watering a little, trying to not let the tears show.
"I'm a muggle as well"
"And You are not your dad" Natalie said walking away.
"You are not a" Draco said but cut himself off knowing he wasn't going to get through to her.
"Mr Malfoy" Natalie said walking out the shop.
Draco just stood in shock, realizing he made a stupid mistake. If he wanted to keep a friendship with Natalie he had to be more careful with what he said around her, he knew he wouldn't get along with Harry but he knew he had to watch his words, around Natalie that is.

Natalie decided on waiting outside for the others so she could say goodbye, Natalie was holding back her anger, cracking her knuckles.
"Are you ok dear" Molly asked walking out the shop.
"Yes Mrs Weasley" Natalie let out a sigh.
"I just didn't think Draco would say that to Hermione that's all" Natalie started to fiddle with her clothes.
"All of his family is like that dear" Molly said giving her a little hug.
"You ok Natalie" Hermione said standing at the door
"I should be asking you that you know" Natalie said walking over to Hermione, giving her a hug.
"You didn't have to, I can handle him" Hermione said with a smirk.
"Still, no Friend of mine is going to be called that" Natalie put her hand out for a high five.
Hermione just smiled and gave her a high five.
Natalie looked down Diagon Ally and watched Draco walking away with his father.
Draco turned around to see that Natalie was looking at him.
When he tried to smile at Natalie she couldn't return it, Natalie just looked away.
Draco just looked down and walked away.
"She's like her Grandfather" Lucius said looking at Natalie with his usual glare.
"Father" Draco said confused with a worrying look on his face.
Lucius turned to look at Draco
"Stubborn" was all he said and continued to walk.
Draco just looked at Natalie , seeing her small smile made him feel more bad , it wasn't the same warm feeling he was used to it felt forced, slightly cold.
Natalie noticed Draco looking and just gave him a quick small smile and went back into the shop.

When Natalie walked in she seen Her Grandfather talking to Ron's father, and it didn't seem to be going too well.
"Oh no" Natalie said with a sigh rushing over to them.
Natalie didn't hesitate.
"GRANDFATHER!" Natalie said with anger in her voice.
"Mr Weasley is a friend, I respect your friends" Natalie paused and glared at her Grandfather.
"I'd expect you to do the same with mine" Natalie crossed her arms not caring at this point, She almost had a scowl on her face.
Albert just gave Natalie the same amount of anger and shook his head.
"Stick with Draco" Albert said and walked out the shop.
"We will be waiting" Albert said at the door walking with Evangeline.
Natalies face was now really red.
"I'm so sorry" Natalie said embarrassed that this was how her family was. Natalie couldn't bare to look at anyone.
Thankfully Ron and his Family were ok and knew what they were like.
"Don't worry Nat" Ron said giving her a hug.
"Ron's right" Harry said .
Harry and Hermione walked up to Natalie and went into a group hug.
Natalie gave everyone a final hug goodbye.
"See you all all on the train" Natalie said leaving the shop.
"And thanks" Natalie said walking out the shop.

Natalie could see her family with the Malfoy's and that automatically made her blood boil.
She couldn't bare to even look at them at that moment. Natalie decided to just walk past them behind another crowd. Natalie didn't realize Draco seen her right away and was smiling at how hard Natalie was trying to not be seen.
When Natalie got past them she turned to look and her face gave off a look like simply said "oh no".
Natalie seen Draco looking right at her and was waving his fingers at her with a cheeky smile.
Natalie just puffed out her cheeks with frustration. Which made Draco giggle and catch Evangelines attention.
"Oh Natalies over their Albert" Evangeline said telling Natalie to come over.
Natalie let out a long sigh and walked over and stood next to Draco.
"Say goodbye Natalie" Albert said slowly.
"Goodbye" Natalie said to Lucius and Narcissa
"And" Evangeline said.
"Goodbye Draco" Natalie said emotionless.
"Goodbye Natalie" Draco said flicking her forehead and walking away with his usual smirk.
"This boy" Natalie thought. She didn't know if she should hate him or like him.
"This year is going to be something" Natalie said to herself walking out of Diagon Ally and heading back to her Grandparents manor.

Natalie Davis and The Hidden Secret [ Year 2 ] [ Completed]Where stories live. Discover now