Luckily, for me, she only started licking my shoe. I laughed softly, crouching down to rub on the co-operative dog's back.

"Good girl." I said to her, and soon she left me alone.


I rang the door bell.

Then, waited.

I stood there for about 30 seconds or so.. wondering silently who would come to the door. Ivandor? Kris?

The door creaked open slowly. I got more nervous. Soon, Nova was revealed, standing before me.

His face looked calmly neutral as he gently closed the door behind him and faced me.

"Dude. You shouldn't be here right now." He said to me. He seemed more worried, than hostile.

"Why?" I asked, suddenly feeling uneasy.

Nova's eyes narrowed at me, in confusion and slight peeve.

"Is it about Ivandor? Forget him, I want to talk to Kris." I said, meaning every word I said.

"Oh, you know Ivandor is here?" He asked me, brows raised  in surprise.

"Yeah, I saw his car." I responded firmly with a nod.

"And you know Krisdana's brother is upstairs too, right?" Nova inquired.

My heart dropped to my stomach.



Why didn't it occur to me that Xander would be around! He was ALWAYS at home when Kris was staying in her own house. So, how could that not have crossed my mind?

I could face Ivandor head on. If the worst got to the worst. But that Xander guy? Hell, no! That guy was a fucking bulldozer! Hell, I couldn't face him. That's a death trap. A suicide mission.

"Xander's upstairs with Krisdana." Nova informed me. His voice was in low hushed whispers.

"I know." I said as the realization hit me.

"So, knowing that, as you said, can you please explain to me why on earth you had the balls to show up in this house?" Nova asked me, incredulously.

I couldn't even process anything properly at this point.

"Seems to me like you're desperately begging to get beat up. If that's your plan, I am most definitely not seconding it. So, I suggest you leave now. If I'm not upstairs in the next five minutes, Xander will be coming down here to see what's wrong, and if that guy should lay his eyes on you, e don be!"  Nova said, his voice rising with urgency.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'm leaving." I decided hurriedly. I turned back to go, then turned back around to Nova almost immediately as something suddenly struck me.

"Can you pass down information to Kris for me atleast. She's not responding to any of my calls or texts." I pleaded.

Nova's face softened. I noticed. He eventually just sighed, looking around him like he wanted to see of the coast was clear.

"Xander probably won't ever get down at all, but let's not take any chances." He was saying.

"Three minutes." Nova decided. "We have three minutes to wrap up this conversation and have you out of this house, okay?"

𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum