treize; friends w/ benefits

Comenzar desde el principio

"Oh sorry. I'm just so happy that I told you." I cover up, giving a lopsided smile.

"Oh same girl, same." He nods in agreement as he bumps his hips against mines like some teenage girl. "Tsss."

Whoa. Did he really just do that?

I stifle a laugh, holding back a laugh.

"Hey don't laugh at me. It's because I'm a blonde. Ugh." He smiles meekly, trying to cover the embarrassment up.


Before I retort something back, someone barges into the closet, making Luke and I jump in our spots.

Oh's the janitor.

But not just any ordinary janitor, it was Esteban.

Oh not him again, it's always his closet that I get in trouble in.

"What you two doing here?" His eyes scan us with annoyance, whilst he holds onto his broom.

"Oh sorry, mister. We were just about to leave." Luke and I both nod our heads as we start using our feets to walk past him.

"Fuera de aquí!" He curses at us in Spanish.

"What?" We both question simultaneously.

"Get out!" Esteban scolds at us in his accent, shoving his broomstick at us, hitting Luke in the arm with it.

"Ow!" Luke quickly walks past the door with me, putting his hands up as we finally make it out to the hallway. The janitor shuts the door behind us.


With that, we stop in our places where it wasn't the side of school that I'm supposed to be at.

"Oh my Lord, can this day get anymore hectic?" Luke mutters, rolling his eyes.

"Tell me about it."

As soon I get that spoken out, the school bell rings for dismissal.

Everybody escape out of their classrooms and from their destination as the school day is finally over. Roaring crowds spread everywhere, either running outside or staying in still. While Luke and I stay still in our area without any other word.

"So," he starts off. I turn to face him. "Pinky promise to never telling anyone both of our secrets?" He says in a low pitched voice for only I to hear.

It's always pinky promises. I couldn't help but think of Calum and I that day.

"Of course." I link my pinky with his long stuck out pinky finger. "Promise." I fully smile.

"Swear on both of our souls to never ever tell another living soul, even if they're close to us?" Luke looks down at me for confirmation.

"I swear on my soul that I won't tell anyone." I put my hand on my heart in approval.

"Good. Thank you so much." He slowly brings me into his arms in a bear hug. "Remember that from now on, we're called, 'friends with benefits' even though it's only an act." He adds, whispering into my ear.

"I know." I nod for the billionth time.

Then a pair of feet stops right before us.

"Ahem." He loudly coughs.

My eyes travel up to discover who it is.

I stop when I realize who it is and keep my gaze on him.




A moment of awkward silence.

"You're kinda, um, blocking my locker." He slowly gestures to his locker that we were in the way of. "So excuse me while I get through." He clears his throat, shifting awkwardly.

I quickly pull back from Luke's hug, stepping back as far as I can to let Calum get through.

"Oh right. Sorry about that, Hood." Luke finally speaks up while I stay quiet.

"It's fine." Calum replies in a monotone, his jaw tightens as he fumbles through his locker. His expression was just blank and I just try not to stare at him.

Calum won't even look at me and it was if I wasn't there at the moment.

I look back at Luke when he speaks.

"So anyways," Luke takes my hand, walking me away from Calum and to outside. "This whole thing stays between us. Right?"

"Right." I say softly.

"Kay then, see you tomorrow at school. Bye." He gives me a last grin before taking the next street to get on the bus.

"Bye." I wave at him, walking the other way.

I'm dumbstruck as to what just happened. Why did Luke have to hug me in front of Calum?

Now he thinks that we're dating.


damn that was one awkward encounter w/ calum ._. btw this is book 1 out of the fear series, luke & mikey's story w/ another girl who has a fear is book two so you can check that out if you wanna see how muke is like at adalia's school :)

so wattpad deleted like half the stuff i wrote for this chapter and i had to rewrite everything whilst trying not to cry bc sTUPID WATTPAD IS ALWAYS ON ITS PERIOD AND CANT EVEN USE ITS PAD EVEN THO ITS RIGHT THERE IN THE LOGO AGDJDHDHSJS

qotd; if the whole world didn't have any laws or nothing was illegal for a day, then what would you do?

bc i would rob a bank and buy 5sos concert tickets then jump on the stage and hop on Michael's back while yelling daddy at Ashton ;//


ps. i luv updating once a day so hopefully that routines goes on

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