vingt et-un; the note

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                                       | twenty-one; the note |

   The deadline was today. I'm already after school for the program.

I stood there, watching most of the people clear out and leave before I open my locker and take out the forms to sign up for the clubs.

My eyes set on Michael, across the hall and beside the water fountain, showing off his new blue hair when a couple of girls pass by him. One of the girls nudges the other girl so she'd 'accidentally' stumble towards him.

Being the doofus he is, he notices but moves away so she'd hit the wall.

A snort escapes from my mouth and he catches me staring.  I cover it up with an inhumanly cough (that sounds like a fly stuck in my throat) and quickly look away. I glance back at him to find him playfully smirking at me with a wink.

I flip my finger at him before I scurry off towards my locker without another word at these awkward gestures between us. I dial in my combo and open it to a piece of paper falling out and to the ground.

I furrow my brows as I pick it up and take it into my hands.

It's some kind of note.

Valentine's day was last week so if it's some love note then it's too late 'cause I happily spent the day as the loner I am, watching sappy romantic comedy films and eating junk food at how I'll never get a boyfriend.

My curiosity strikes inside me and I quickly start opening the slightly crumbled paper. I slowly read it.

        Can I just say how pretty you are?
     yup, I'm very lame like that
  but I just had to say it,
forgot to say this to you so.....HAPPY BELATED VALENTINES DAY!!
hope you spent it well cuz I spent it doing nothing but think of you.
         Xx  love,

I reread this over and over again, feeling most of my insides explode.

"Holy shizlets." I grip onto the note tighter between my fingers.

That's all I could breath out. I ponder everything on this paper.

Luke likes me? As in Luke Hemmings? I mean, I told him my secret and kinda trust him. He's nice to me and we're supposedly dating but...I never thought he actually thought of me like this.

Mostly likely, I was thinking of him as kind of a brother.

Several seconds pass I read it over for the 8th time and that's when a key detail hits me with realization.

I feel I'm about to choke on air as I eye the details of the handwriting.

The songbook.

I remember the exact writing and it matches.

It's Luke's.

He's the missing puzzle piece of the mystery book.

He's the one who's been writing all these songs that I love and admire.

Just at the thought of it makes me feel fuzzy in the pit of my stomach, like some feelings developing.

Do I wantfeelings for him? Do I?

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