"From Levanas old cameras to spy on Kai in his office. They're hidden under layers of security, almost invisible. Ryan didn't turn them off because he never found them. Cress was the one to find the video. I was with her along with Thorne. We were the first to see the video." The crown turned to the judge.

"Permission to enter in new evidence if found your honour?"

"Permission granted to be looked over after the trial. Continue." 

"I'm done questioning this witness your honour." The crown said. That meant it was the defence lawyers turn. He walked up.

"Growing up in Adri's home would you say she was a good parent? Kind, loving, concerned, fair." She smirked. The exact opposite actually.

"She was never a parent to me. Just my legal guardian." She said nonchalantly.

"So why should we trust that what you say is true when you could just as easily  kidnapped Kai yourself and blamed it on her to get her behind bars for what she did to you."

"With all due respect I could have imprisoned her while I was queen of Luna. I had no intention to send her to prison. I just wanted her out of my life." 

"It was my understanding that as queen of Luna, you couldn't arrest a Commonwealth Citizen."

"I could have arrested her for keeping me as a slave when I was in fact Queen of Luna."

"A fact she was ignorant to."

"That doesn't matter. If your caught just speaking against the queen, weather you know it or not, it's a crime against the crown. That was considered a series offence."

"Then why didn't you punish her for that legal offence?" 

"Because she was ignorant to the fact I was royalty. I never wanted to be queen, and if I had to be one I was going to be a fair one. Unlike my ancestors who would have punished her for such a crime." 

"If you never wanted to be queen then how did you end up as empress of the Eastern Commonwealth?"

"I'm not empress."

"Your next in line and there is no Kai to deal with." What was he talking about next in line? 

"Next in line?"

"Don't play ignorant."

"How's that possible?"

"Well if anything happened to Torin, as his adviser, you would step in."

"There would be an election and Kai's going to wake up." 

"The country loves you, you would get voted in and you know it." She stood up.

"Why would they vote for an ex fugitive, cyborg, lunar as an Empress? And Kai will wake up!" The defence lawyer took a step back.

"Calm down Miss. Blackburn." The judge said. She decided she didn't like him. She sat back down and took a deep breath. Text had popped up but she didn't bother to read it before blinking it away.

"I'm done questioning this witness your honour."

"Could someone escort Miss.Blackburn out of the room. I think she needs some air." She could not believe the judge just said that but she didn't care. She didn't want to be there anymore anyway.

She was sitting in Kai's room. The court hearing was taking forever. They must be coming back soon though. After seeing Adri again it reignited her hatred for her. Not that it had ever left, but she would always hate Adri now. She could never forgive what she's done to Kai alone. 

The door finally opened and Torin walked in. She hadn't been expecting him. He had a meeting directly after he testified.

"Shouldn't you be at a meeting?" She asked.

"It got cancelled, someone got a case of letumosis." He said it so casually. It was still deadly and highly contagious.

"Are you ok, were you in contact with them, was it contained?" What if he had it. Did Thorne and Cress bring the antidote back with them or would they have to go back to Luna.

"Yes, yes I'm fine and it was contained."

"Good. How did the trial go."

"Adri got a life long sentence and Pearl thirty years. Wolf was able to prove that they were in fact not being controlled and that Adri took Kai of her own will as I testified." That made her feel a little better. Adri was never getting out. 

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