Thorne was starting to worry, they had announced that the wedding was postponed forever ago and he couldn't find cress anywhere. He couldn't find anyone in this mass of people but the fact that he hadn't yet seen scarlet, Iko or winter was putting him on edge. He was starting to think they weren't here which was weird. Iko would never allow them to be late. How long had it been? Why were there no clocks anywhere in this whole dam'n room. It seemed like hours had past sense that person was on stage. Spotting wolf he walked over. Maybe he would know something.

"Sup, Dawg." thorne said

"Thorne, have you seen scarlet anywhere?" wolf turned worry on his face

"came to ask you the same thing, wait...   no... not scarlet, cress." *cringe* bad recovery

"i'm starting to worry about her, they are usually here before us and it isn't like her to be late to something so important, do you think anythings happened to her, i bet somethings happened,  well obviously something has but like-" I cut wolf off, he was about to start rambling on and on.

"They probably were checking on cinder when the announcement came. I bet they are having some sort of exciting girl party right now." The announcer didn't give them much detail on the situation but it didn't seem bad. Communications were down due to something in the medical wing of the palace. A minor issue.

"Girl party?Is that where winter is I can't find her anywhere" ever so silent jacin appeared out of thin air.

"yes, the girls are partying with cinder"I didn't feel like listening to jacin go on and on about how winter couldn't be alone even though she had been the first to get a linh device and no longer had nightmares. He was probably ready to do a search of the whole palace by himself.

The announcer came back to the stage. The room fell silent hungry for information on the delay.

"The wedding is going to be canceled today and rescheduled for a later date. We don't officially know what has happened but it appears emperor kaito is missing. We request that you all return home immediately." and with that she was gone. Not bothering to tell us more. Just that kai is missing and we have to leave! The gards started leading people to the exit making sure everyone left unharmed though it appeared the threat was gone. 

The gards had made them exit the building even though they were staying at the palace. Are orders are to make sure everyone leaves they had said. Thorne looked up wanting to catch someone he knew in the windows when instead he saw the rampion take off of the roofs landing pad.

"MY SHIP, SOMEONES TAKING MY SHIP! MYYYYY SHIPPPP! WHO WOULD STEAL MY SHIP, THEY BETTER PLAN ON GIVING IT BACK OR I'M GOING TO SHOW THEM WHAT I CAN DO WITH JUST A SHARP CRAYON!"The whole crowed turned to see what he was yelling about just in time to see the rampion bolt into the distance.

"A sharp crayon?" jacin asked

"Shut up, it was the first thing that came to mind." i grumbled. 

Thorne, wolf and jacin had been waiting for a while to get back into the palace along with the world leaders who were also staying at the palace. He was mad at that anonymous person for stealing his ship.He had added lots of tracking devices incase this ever happened but still. He had been working to pay it off for the past two years. He had gotten a job, worked towards being the hero cress saw him as. He had changed his whole life for her and that ship. Today was the day he had planed on doing it, he had decided to propose to cress. He wasn't worthy of her, he was still part criminal, he always would be but after two and a half years with her he never wanted to leave her. But it was all ruined by the events of the day. He couldn't do it now. Not without kai to support him, not while cinder would be devastated, not without his ship. 

An Android rolled up telling them they could head inside.

"Thank goodness it's almost as hot as the desert out here, and I would know."

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