Simon Says

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SUMMARY: While at the Christmas party with Connor at Jerrys' Cafe, Hank takes Simon's advice.

Hank couldn't believe his luck. Despite Connor's confirmation that he was, in fact, not dreaming, Hank still found it hard to believe that Connor had reciprocated his feelings. He smiled to himself, already able to imagine his therapist's reaction, something along the lines of "told you so."

Hank had been idly driving, lost in his own head when he snapped back into reality fully to the sound of Connor tapping his fingers with no rhythm, his leg bouncing. Hank took his free hand that wasn't on the steering wheel and grabbed hold of Connor's, giving a reassuring squeeze. He could hear Connor exhale and he dared to turn to the brunette for a moment. Connor's hair fell in his face ungracefully, and Hank found it extremely endearing.

He brought his eyes back the road with a struggle and they pulled into the parking lot for the cafe. Hank parked his car in the back as Connor instructed, and they both sat in the car for a moment, neither making the move to get out of the car. Connor's hand twitched in Hank's grasp, and Hank looked over at him. A wave of sympathy washed over him when he saw Connor's expression filled with worry.

"It's gonna be fine, Con," Hank comforted. He rubbed his thumb along the back of Connor's hand once before letting go of his hand and going to get out of the car. Connor followed suit, and to Hank's relief, he looked calmer. Hank found he really liked the way Connor looked in his hoodie, and Connor still managed to look nice even though the hoodie didn't quite fit him correctly. Connor gave him a shy smile and grabbed for his hand, and laced their fingers together. Hank felt a surge of affection for Connor and he brought Connor's hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. Connor bit his lip and looked away, visibly repressing a smile as he opened the back door to the cafe. Hank tore his eyes from his lips with effort and looked around the cafe instead.

Inside was bustling with people, but none of them were new faces, to Hank's relief. Connor had promised him that earlier that morning, too, and Hank was grateful he didn't have to go through the effort of meeting any more new people. Jerry 1 was the first to notice their presence and he gave a friendly wave before his gaze dropped to Hank and Connor's joined hands. He gave a knowing smile and walked off, carrying a plate of some desert Hank couldn't make out in Ralph's direction.

Next to greet them was Markus and Simon, walking closely together. Hank had only seen Markus a few times but had luckily met him one morning while he was talking to Simon, and Simon had introduced Markus as his boyfriend. Hank had hardly been surprised.

"Hello, Connor, Hank," Markus greeted, and Simon smiled and waved. Simon looked the two up and down and his mouth opened slightly, looking at Connor in shock before grinning at him devilishly.

"Finally," Simon said, sounding slightly exasperated. Hank looked over at Connor in confusion but was only met with more questions when Connor groaned, grinning despite himself. Markus and Hank exchanged a look, and Hank felt that even Markus knew so much more than he did.

"Connor!" Came a voice from across the cafe, and Hank recognized Kara and Luther waving him over. Connor sighed and turned to Hank, squeezing his hand and giving him a small smile before going over to the two. This left Hank standing next to Simon, Markus having left to go talk to Josh and North at one of the tables in the main area.

"He's something, isn't he?" Simon said bemusedly, watching Connor from across the cafe as he tried Kara's homemade muffins. Hank followed Simon's gaze and watched Connor with a fond smile.

"Yeah... Somethin' is one way to put it," Hank sighed, and it wasn't hard to tell that he was smitten with the brunette. Connor beamed at Kara and Luther, and Hank could practically hear him complimenting the muffin from across the cafe.

"He really likes you, you know," Simon said quietly, giving Hank a look that was almost intimidating. Hank shifted where he stood in the back of the cafe.

"What do you mean?" Hank asked cautiously.

"Just that... you know, he's never even had a relationship before," Simon told him, and Hank now understood that Simon was just looking out for Connor. "I don't want him to get hurt, he's... fragile."

"I wouldn't dream of hurting him, Simon," Hank told him honestly, and he felt a wave of appreciation for Simon. He was glad Connor had someone like this.

"I know..." Simon exhaled, leaning against the wall and looking around, and his eyes fixed on the mistletoe, and he smirked suddenly. He turned to Hank, and Hank didn't trust the expression on his face.

"You know, he's never had his first kiss yet," Simon told him. "And I've seen him eyeing that mistletoe since it was put up." Hank understood where he was going with this, and nodded slowly.

"You think I should..." Hank trailed off, the words remaining unspoken. Simon nodded.

"It might not be my business to tell, but I've always been the one to suffer through him gushing about you and how he wants to kiss you," Simon laughed. Hank blushed at the idea of it.

"Hm," Hank hummed and recalled the countless occasions he'd fantasized about kissing Connor, among other things.

"Just some food for thought," Simon winked at Hank with a knowing smile before heading to the table where Markus had gone, and Hank raised his eyebrows.

"Food for thought, huh," Hank muttered to himself and laughed dryly. He recognized the Christmas song that played from the speakers- a timeless classic- 'All I Want For Christmas Is You.' Movement caught his eye and he saw Connor heading his way, and he couldn't stop the smile on his face if he wanted to.

Connor, to Hank's surprise, grabbed him by the arms and tugged him over, and they danced to the fast-paced Christmas song, ungracefully singing the words to each other. Simon gave Hank a thumbs up from where he was at a table eating cookies, and Hank rolled his eyes. He spun Connor, thoroughly enjoying the giggle it drew out of him. They slowed down as the song began to end, and Hank tugged Connor forward in an embrace, taking the opportunity to look around now that Connor wouldn't notice. He'd successfully maneuvered them right underneath the mistletoe.

Connor broke away from the embrace, grinning at Hank, though his face quickly fell into a more serious expression when Hank didn't mirror his smile. His heart was hammering through his chest, and he held up Connor's face to face his own and leaned closer, his other hand tangling in Connor's hair. Connor wrapped his arms around Hank's waist and closed his eyes, and Hank took his opportunity to lean in and kiss Connor. Simon whooped from where he sat at the table, and Connor beat Hank to flipping off the blonde. Though it was an awkward kiss, likely due to Connor's lack of experience, Connor got the idea quickly enough. They pulled apart after a few seconds and shared wide smiles.

"We were under the mistletoe," Hank shrugged with a grin, pointing up at the fake plant that hung above them. Connor lightly swatted Hank's arm, huffing a sigh and kissing him once more, and it didn't phase them this time when the friends that surrounded them cheered and laughed enthusiastically.

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