Fucking Yoga

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SUMMARY: Hank forces his decrepit body to do some fucking yoga and also tries not to die from Connor. Connor confuses Hank even more.

Everyone's eyes were on Connor, who was sitting in the front of the class on his mat. After a few seconds of silence, his soft voice rang out.

"We're going to be doing a beginner's workout today." He simply said, looking at all of the five members in the room. He turns on an obnoxiously large flat-screen TV Hank hadn't even noticed and pulls up an image of the workout they'd be doing.

Connor looked from the board to the small number of people in the room. Hank just nodded, realizing dreading most of these positions. Connor looked uncertain as his gaze went from one member to the other.

"Okay, I'll demonstrate the first one for you. If the picture doesn't demonstrate it well enough, that is." Connor said and did the first of the twelve positions. Hank tried to recreate it and literally heard something crack. Connor and Josh looked at him, Connor looking concerned at the least. Hank just gave an awkward shrug, or what was supposed to be one. It wasn't easy shrugging in... whatever the fuck position he was in. "Warrior I," said the image. They stayed like that for about a minute and Hank's knees were threatening to give out, so he was grateful when Connor stopped.

Although he couldn't be happy for long, because a few seconds later, Connor called out "Next position!" and got into 'Warrior II.' Hank thought he was doing it but was incorrect when he realized it was his left leg that had to go to the right. Oh, that's... He sighed and fixed himself, now beginning to feel the pain. Of course, he wasn't doing it right before. It didn't hurt. Now it did, though, and he was very thankful to move on from that.

And then he saw Connor get into the third position: Warrior III. Did they seriously just not have any sort of ideas of what to name these? Hank laughed at the repetitiveness of the position names before doing his best to copy Connor's posture. Hank nearly fell about eight times trying to put himself in the position and had one hell of a time trying to stay in it. He noticed as he was looking up at Connor, though, that Connor had stopped. He almost fell to the ground but managed to stand successfully with a lot of fucking willpower he didn't know he had.

He looked back up at the Promethean board and swore to himself that if he saw another position that had anything to do with warriors, he would up and fucking leave this room. With a great deal of struggling, he got into the position about ten seconds later than everyone else had, not being able to reach his hand down his ankle nearly as far as everyone else could, although it was clear that they were struggling as well. Hank suddenly realized that he wasn't entirely bad. Well, comparing him to others, he was still the worst at it but he wasn't terrible. He was... trying. His ability to forgive himself for what he considered to be a failure just then caught him off guard, but he had little time to think of it because now Connor was looking at him strangely and standing back up.

Connor switched the position to the fifth one, fucking "downward facing dog", and Hank nearly choked on air. Connor just had to do it facing the wall, so Hank was there with a perfect fucking view of his ass. Hank tried to look up to admire the view and actually fucking fell. He let out an embarrassed laugh, which almost came out as more of a groan, as everyone looked over at him... Oops? Connor turned around and look back at Hank. And that damn kid... Connor had the audacity to fucking WINK. Hank rolled his eyes despite the warmth rushing into his cheeks.

He was very glad that Connor got out of that position soon after and switched to the sixth one, which was way less painful for Hank down there because Connor had the decency to face Hank this time. Hank swore that Connor did that shit on purpose, and the fatal wink was just the icing on the fucking cake. He felt some area in his chest burn and winced, soon feeling the pain of this position, as he did with every position so far.

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