Update and some things

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Firstly I wanted to apologize to all you readers who have had hope for many years regarding Sr and its continuation. for some reason I just can't think of a way to continue it, oddly enough I got some publishing offers and even offers to purchase the story of me for some reason?

truth is I don't want to get rid of this story for monetary value I would rather give it away to someone who loves it and will continue it. you all know that over the span of writing it in 4 years as an amateur and I learnt a lot of writing methods and ways.

I realise I have bitten off more then I could chew. sr has to much content and even some readers remember things I cant lol. I was this excited person wanting to make the best novel ever that would last thousands of chapters which is insane just look at martial god asura god knows where that is even going anymore lol.

in truth I have finally managed to sort of fixing my motivation by sticking to a healthy routine of sleeping well, eating well and exercising as well as proper medicine. I could write sr atm but in truth, I'm scared to I really am. the same goes for ES and MG.

They are a part of my life where I was immature and rushed headlong into things without careful consideration. actually I have been thinking of just writing for fun again but taking my time. I have 2 prologue chapters of that untitled novel, the funny thing is I'm so patient with it I have used nearly 4 days to carefully go over it with Grammarly change wording and reread it.

reading novels like forty millenniums of cultivation I realise there is a different way to write novels I like the sense of brotherhood that novel gives where it doesn't matter what race you are you are a brother in arms and human to us.

I want to write a novel where I am not posting chapters left and right as that screwed me over more or less. I want to reflect more carefully on the direction and plan properly so you guys can see just how much I have improved. the way I am writing at the moment is to not write until I'm burnt out but to stop just shy of wanting to write and relaxing so that urge to write grows larger.

I can't stress enough how a healthy life is important for motivation not just for writing but living in general. actually I have been scared to come back to RR but here I am back to where it all started.

As for my other novels, SR included? atm, I don't know I really don't.

When will I post the prologue of that new novel? - well, when it's ready.

if you have questions about SR or es or want to know anything about it just reply here I will take all the anger and pitchforks you can throw at me.

as for the mc in the new novel? I can tell you I actually WILL write him somewhat intelligent as I know I have written Avrin all over the place.

I give 1000 chapters of apologies and kowtows. Oh and their not there and his not hes/he's. my old readers will know what I mean.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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