Chapter 3

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With no plan set in place neither boy knew exactly where they were going. Glancing at the time displayed on his dashboard Harry could tell it was just after noon meaning there was six hours left until everything had to be packed and loaded into the trailer. Not wanting to waste anymore time he told Siri to call Louis.

"Hey, whatcha need?"

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Niall and Cassies?"

"But who's going where?"

"You wanna take Cassie and I take Niall?"

"Sure. Wait! If i leave you with Niall are you two actually going to get work done?"


"Phoebe can I put you in charge of them?"

"Yes you can!"

"Great, I give you full authority to boss the body around if they are messing around okay. got it?"

"Got it!"

"Alrighty then i'll give you two a call later to check up and see how you're looking."

"Sounds good."

When the phone call ended Harry glanced in his rearview mirror to get Daisy's attention who was already looking at him.

"Ready to go see Cassie?"

"Off to Cassie's!"

"Off to Cassie's"

With a pair of smiles the car continued on driving taking the proper turns and stops to make it to their destination. When it came for Louis to take a right and Harry to take a left the twins waves at each other through the dimmed car windows. Even with the thinness of the rearview mirror he could see blue eyes popping out against tanned skin and tongue sticking out and let out a laugh as he turned the corner.

The ride wasn't too long, only around ten minutes, and jamming out only made it go by faster. Pulling into the concrete driveway should have been an olympic event, there were cars parked up and down the street and little children running in and out of the house barely stopping before darting out into the road. Finally putting the car in park and turning the engine off, Harry unbuckled, hopping out of the car and opening the backdoor fast enough it left no time for Daisy to complain. Her little fingers pressed softly on the red eject button of the seatbelt buckle and she lifted her arms up high enough for Harry to pick her up and pull her out of the car and place her back on solid ground. Before the door shut little Daisy grabbed her purse from the floorboard and slung it over her shoulder.



By the time Harry had made his way to the door it was already open and Cassie's mother was at the door with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. His last few steps were jogged until he joined the pair in the doorframe.

"Hi Mrs.Jennings, how are you this morning?"

"I'm doing lovely today. It would be a little better if my daughter decided to come home today, How about you two?"

"Cassie's not home?"

"We came to help her pack!"

"Thank you she certainly needs it and she loves having you around!"

Her voice was soft and sweet making it easy for the little girl to understand, but she turned to Harry and spoke more like an adult.

"She was home for maybe ten minutes this morning then went running out the front door and I haven't been able to get a hold of her since."

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