Chapter 7

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Ratchets pov

Oh boy this is going to be bad. "Sorry ma'am we can explain this" she looked at us and then gave a smile. "Don't worry you two, it's fine just I was surprised." She then gave me a hug "you are always welcome, Ratchet" I smiled at this. This was going by really fast.

~next day (I'm to lazy)~

Ironhides pov

I woke up in a dark room in my bed the light was creeping in through the cracks from the curtains. I look down from my bed and I see a sleeping Ratchet on the floor. The guest room was getting renovated so he had to sleep in my room on a makeshift bed. Ratchet always looked cute when he was asleep.

I grabed my phone and looked at the time it said 9:10 on it. Tooooo earlyyyyyy. I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't, I was thinking of Ratchet and what happened yesterday. 


I still couldn't go to sleep. Ahhhhhh. Okay well best to wake up then.  I got up from the bed and quietly went to the door and QUIETLY opened it. But as I opened the door Ratchet made a little "mmmmm" (sound effects kill me and noises) sound. Oh no, did I wake him up? "Hide? Are you awake?" Did I wake him up or was he awake the whole time? "Um yeah sorry did I wake you?"

Ratchets pov

"Sorry did I wake you?" "No I was awake for a while, I just didn't want to wake you so I pretended to sleep." I couldn't sleep sleep for a while maybe for 2 hours. I was worried about my mother. "Oh! Right I need to text Swift." I grabed my phone and started to text Swift

          Morning big  brother of the year
❤Swift❤:Ratchet? How are you?
              Been through worse but better then with mother 
❤Swift❤:Wait your not with mother?
                                No I'm with Hide he saved me from a rando trying to rape me and took me to his house.
❤Swift❤: Wait WHAT?!
Swift, I'm fine he didn't get far I promise.
❤Swift❤:.....okay, okay I believe you. So when are you coming home?
              Tomorrow I think maybe later.
❤Swift❤: Okay I love you little bro
                     I love you too Swift, see ya.
I turned off my phone and turned to Hide "so what are we doing today?" I asked him "whatever you would like to do" I thought dor a moment and thought of my answer. "Ice skating." He looked at me in a upset face. "Ratchet I don't like to ice skate, I can't even ice skate you know this." I pouted "but I love ice skating, please Ironhide" I pleaded. "Nooooooooo" "please, pretty please with cherry on top." "No Ratchet, even with all your pleads you can't break me."

I was having none of this I love to ice skate. Time for my master plan "I'll buy us ice cream." He flinched at this. Ha! His weakness is ice cream just like me, we have the same weakness. "Nope not enough" hm playing hard ball huh? Okay let's do this "I will give you kisses and ice cream" he flinched even more. "And my smiles." "Fiiiiiiiiinnee" I smiled at this "thank you and here's your kiss." I kissed him. After we broke apart I left to go down stairs. "Morning, ma'am." She turned from the stove and smiled "morning dear." Hm she's never called me that before. "What's for breakfast?" "Turkey bacon and eggs Ironhides favorite breakfast." Never knew he would like this. "Cool, I've never had turkey bacon." "Oh right, honey can you please bring Ironhide down he must be hungry." I nodded and went back up stairs.  As I was going up stairs I got a notification
Orion: Hey Ratchet how are you?
                                              Been better.
Orion: that's good, what are you doing today?
                                             ICE SKATING!!
Orion: you really like ice skating.
                            Yup I love to ice skate.
Orion: who are you going with?
                              But I had to force him
Orion: makes sense
                              Wanna come with us?
Orion: sure I don't have much to do.
                                     Okay see ya Orion.
Orion: see you

I will always be with you- Transformers fanfiction Optimus x Ratchet x Ironhide Where stories live. Discover now