Model Hero Deku

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(a/n none of these images are mine.)

Okay, let's see the next Alternate Universe

beep......beep.... universe found...... Model Hero Deku

Bakugo: Hah that nerd is a model he is too ugly

Me: Bakugo he is the number 1 model in Japan.

Uraraka: I mean he does look really handsome.

Todoroki: I wonder where he works.

Me: Lets start

Izuku is walking to a studio. The logo is not visable. What he doesn't know is that his class was following him.

Uraraka: Is he a model???

Denki: I mean there are other reasons to go to that studio.

Momo: Well I have seen him around here a lot.

Todoroki: We see him a lot.

Bakugo: He is not important why would he go in there.

Momo: I can get us in.

Iida: No need I have access.

Kirishima: Me too

Todoroki yup

Todoroki: Wow You work there too.

Momo: Cool I am a model.

Me: Not only that you are the second best model in Japan. You do know that Izuku is the first but never tells anyone. Iida,Kirishima and Todorki also know and sometimes model with them.

They snuck in with Momo since she created some invisable suits.

Security Gaurd: Hello Miss Momo, Mr. Todoroki, Mr. Kirishima and Mr Iida.

Momo: Hello, do you know where Izuku is?

Security Gaurd: I think he is in studio B4

Momo: Thanks

Then momo and the rest walks to the elevator and presses floor B.

Sero: Wait did you know?

Momo: I have no idea what you are talking about.

Bakugo: You knew the shitty nerd was a model.

Todoroki: Is he anrgy in every single Alternate  Universe?

me: Yes, almost all of them, now lets continue.

They found the room and they go inside.

Izuku: Hi guys what are you doing here?

Kirishima: Oh we wanted to watch.

Iuzku: Okay

Bakugo: hah the stupid nerd is so oblivious 

Todoroki: So the rescue squad is basically the models.

Aizawa: Problem Children

All Might: What do you mean by the rescue squad.

Kirishima: The one that saved Bakugo.

Me: Shush we are continuing.

~Time Skip~

Izuku: The photos came out pretty good do you want to see them?

Iida: Sure

Iida: Sure

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