Start from the beginning

"It's so simple it's almost difficult to put into words.", he drawled. "Most newborns are awoken with the instinct. They know how to run, hunt..feed." I looked down to the earth, almost embarrassed by my lack of ability.

"I'm a terrible vampire?", I mumbled.

        He flashed behind me, leaning down just above my ear.

"All vampires are terrible, Rose. You are better than all of us." I turned to glare at him, but he stopped me; his hand pushing my gaze forward towards the trees.


"It's like the hearing I suppose. Focus on moving-", he rested his hands on my hips pulling one leg back towards him, "and concentrate- use all your strength to push off the ground."

       I nodded, trying to ignore the way his touch was consuming me; the way his cold breath felt on my skin.

"Run, Rose.", he whispered, pushing my hips forward. I listened.

       In half a second I was standing 200 ft away from him, turning to look at his proud face. Instead I found a laughing Jasper, a rare sight to find in an even rarer circumstance.

"What? I did it!", I yelled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You- you did it for sure." He continued chuckling.

"I- how is this comedic?", I asked, baffled."

"Well," he started before flashing beside me, "You're a little..slow for a newborn."

"I'm slow?" He nodded, still grinning.

"Well then..I guess that's fine."

"Fine indeed, darlin'. We need to inform Carlisle, though."

"Alright.", I agreed.

       We began to walk at a leisurely pace back to the Cullen home, our fingers interlocked. I thought about Carlisle- his intelligence, and hoped that he would be able to figure out why my abilities were presenting themselves in this way. I didn't mind, but I was curious.

       My thoughts then shifted to my Aunt. I hadn't seen her in almost two weeks. How could she have been alright with this? How had she not- then I realized. This was my leeway. I was still grieving in her eyes. What had made that fact untrue now? What had made me feel the way I do now? It wasn't the Cullens, the vampirism, or my dear Jasper- no, it was something else. It was my son; the vision I had of him in the meadow. I knew he was at peace, and therefore I was too.

       He, my angel, was the true reason behind the disappearance of my grievances. I smiled to myself, basking in the bittersweet memory of that vision. Jasper's hand tightened around my own, shaking me from my thoughts.

"Are you alright?", he asked.

"I am. Just thinking."

"About?", he murmured slowing our pace.

"My child.", I whispered. He hummed in response and I took a moment to close my eyes, picturing every detail I could remember. "He was beautiful, you know. I saw him when I was in transition- he was more precious than I ever could've imagined."

"I never expected you to..confide in me about this.", he said with a both remorseful and doubtful tone.

"Why is that?" He averted his eyes forward, taking a breath.

"I wasn't there."

"Oh.", I breathed, "No..you weren't."

"I'm truly sorry, Rosemary. I wish I-"

"I know.", I interrupted. "I did too..for a long time." He said nothing to me so I continued on. "I used to talk to him at night. I'd tell him all the things I had wanted to tell you- my dreams, my grievances, all the things I wished to tell my best friend."

He hummed.

"I used to imagine you there, with us." He froze slightly. "I'd sleep with your picture beside me, as if you were comforting me from whatever faraway place you had found yourself, and I told him about you one day, every detail I could remember."

"You did?" He asked, his voice small.

"Mhm. I told him that I was going to raise him to be like the man I wished were his father. I'd raise him to be good." He halted then.

"I- I don't know what to say.", he breathed.

"There isn't anything to say, baby."

"Would you really want that..with me?"

"If I could..still have that choice, and you still had that choice, then yes. I wouldn't want it to be with anyone else."

"Thank you.", he whispered.

"For what?", I asked.

"For your forgiveness."

        I set a hand on his cheek and pulled him down to meet my eyes.

"There is nothing to forgive." He leaned into my touch, his eyes fluttering closed.

"I love you, darlin'."

"I love you too, baby.", I soothed, caressing his marble skin.

        I felt his emotion in that moment. His overwhelming sadness, regret, and relief. I felt the urge to release those emotions. Jasper felt this too. He placed his hand over mine, holding it to his cheek. I took in the sight before me; the sight of a vulnerable Jasper- a man who had spent so much time feeling the pain of others- he forgot to acknowledge his own. The urge became far too intense now; beckoning me to allow it- to free it. I willed it to be so.

       I felt a wetness fall upon my skin. I opened my eyes to see that the tears were not my own, but Jasper's. Had I given him this? His amber eyes flew open, his brows knitted. The wetness spilled over once more, in the form of a single tear. He wiped it way with his hand, observing it with wide eyes.

"How?", he asked in disbelief.

"I- I don't know."

       His lips curled into a soft smile and he wasted no time to engulf me into his arms. He whispered his gratitudes into my hair as I stroked his back. It felt amazing. I didn't know how it was possible for me to share my gift with him- but I knew how grateful I was for it. I knew how badly he had needed this. He had one hundred and forty-three years of tears to release, and I was willing to be there to catch each and every one. 

Wow..two chapters in a week. Look at me go.

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