Chapter 1: Void

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'Ugh... my head... what happened?' Orange thought to himself.

He looked around and saw that he wasn't in the desktop. Instead, he was floating in a black void.

'What in the name of Becker is going on?' He thought.

"Ugh... why do I feel terrible?"

Orange turned around and saw Green.

"Green? You're here too?" Orange asked.

"Apparently." Green answered.


"I agree, Mr. Oinker. This is weird."

The two turn around and see Red and his pet pig, Mr. Oinker.

"Red!" They exclaimed.

"Oh, hey guys." Red greeted.

"Ugh... where am I?"

"Well it ain't the desktop, that's for sure."

All three stickmen turn and see Yellow and Blue. Then the two look and see the others.

"Oh, I guess we're all here." Says Blue.

"Yeah. Including Purple." Says Red.

The others look over and see Purple.

"Hey guys. Been a while." He says.

They all form a circle and try and figure out what's going on.

"Okay, let's rewind a bit. What were we all doing before we got here? I was animating with Alan." Said Orange.

"Me, Green and Purple were playing League of Legends." Said Blue.

"Mr. Oinker and I were helping Yellow with a redstone machine." Said Red.

They all sat there, thinking about what was happening.

Then a giant sword appeared in Red's hand.

"Whoa! Where did this come from?!" Red exclaimed.

Then two knives appeared in Green's hands.

"What the heck?!" Green exclaimed.

Then two plasma blades appeared in Yellow's hands.

"Okay, these are really cool! Still want to know where these came from, though!" Yellow exclaimed.

Then Blue, Purple, and finally Orange all had katana-like swords appear in their hands.

"Whoa!" Exclaimed Blue.

"What is going on?!" Exclaimed Purple.

Orange looked at his sword and noticed something attached to it.

"There's a note on mine." He announced.

Everyone gathered around to read it.

Dear Stickmen,

We apologize for the sudden course of action, but time is short. To keep it simple, you six have been chosen for something that could alter the fate of the multiverse. You will need these gifts we have given you if you are to succeed.


The stickmen all looked at their weapons in fascination.

"Wow... we've been chosen for a task that could save the multiverse?" Red said.

"I wonder who this Hikari is..." Blue asked.

"Whoever they are, they know how to craft impressive weapons." Green said.

Orange handed the note to Purple, who noticed something else.

"Guys, there's more." He announced.

  To make your quest easier, we have decided to give you...

"HUMAN FORMS?!?!?" The stickmen shouted simultaneously.

Then a white portal appeared, sucking in the stickmen and their pig.

"I guess our quest begins!" Orange shouted.

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