Chapter 4

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"Are you sure about this?" Bokuto sighs and looks at Kuroo who is leaning against the fence with Kenma.

"I'm sure, this is something I've wanted since I was a kid. I'm not going to just give up on that because I grew up."

"Ok, still you know the danger right? Think about your mother."

"I know and I'll be careful. Just please don't tell her. I'll only be gone 2 days so cover for me."

"You can count on us." Bokuto gives him a grateful smile before hopping onto his horse.

"I'll see you guys in a few days."

"Good luck Bokuto." He grins and sets off, heading for the castle carrying a slight hope that he'll see Akaashi while there. Sure that's unlikely but it's possible.


"Alright line up!" The captain commands. All of the boys quickly line up, standing up straight, and awaiting instruction. Bokuto casually glanced around the room and at the boys next to him. On his left is a wall stocked with many different weapons like bows, katanas, daggers, and guns. To his right is a slightly taller young man with brown wavy hair wearing a grin over his face as he looks at the captain. The captain is also a young man, younger than Bokuto expected. He has black hair and a stern face, plastering a serious expression.

"The next two days are going to contain brutal training along with time to demonstrate your unique skills. I can say with certainty that only 5% of you will actually be admitted into the guard. Now let's get started shall we."

The man walks over to the wall and picks up two training sticks. He walks back to the front and points at the boy standing next to Bokuto wearing a wicked expression. "You stay, the rest stand off to the side. I'm going to do a little demonstration of the training exercise you'll do." They all walk to the sides, the brown-haired boy takes the stick, grinning at the captain. "Quit grinning like that." He whispers, whacking him on the head gently. The boy chuckles and turns to face the man.

They both get in their ready stance, eyeing each other while debating when to strike. The captain strikes first, swinging the stick hard towards his head getting the boy to duck. Right after he brings the stick down to his feet getting the boy to trip to the floor. The captain grins.

"Get up." The cadet sighs and instead of getting up, swings his feet around, attempting to knock the captain down. He fails, the captain jumping out of the way as the brown-haired boy jumps up to his feet, grabbing the stick. His breathing is already heavy and he knows he's no match for the captain.

The boy attacks first this time, trying to stab the other's stomach but he avoids it, grabbing his weapon and twisting it out of his hand before kicking him to the ground. "As you can see," he speaks while walking over to the boy who lies on his back. "None of you are even close to being ready." He holds both sticks by the boy's neck, signaling his win and the other's death if it were a real battle. "I'm going to break every single one of you."


After solely 2 hours of training Bokuto is completely out of breath. They have all been given a break, getting a chance to step outside for a breath of fresh air. Bokuto steps onto the deck which looks out and over a wide empty area of grass. To his right is a view of the castle. The army barracks are at the far left of the castle, meaning for Bokuto, Akaashi so all the way on the opposite side. Still, it's interesting to think they are both so close yet so far away.

Bokuto takes a deep breath of the fresh air as footsteps approach him. He turns to see the brown-haired boy from earlier approach him.

"You are Bokuto right?" Bokuto looks surprised as the boy stops in front of him, handing him some water.

The Princes Love {Bokuaka} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now