Chapter 1

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The sun slowly rose up from behind the mountains casting light upon the small town. Though the daylight is what signals people to wake up, a young boy by the name of Bokuto Kōtarō was already up and out of the small townhouse he lives in with his mother.

Bokuto slowly makes his way through a field, to the forest that lays below the tall mountains that protect the kingdom. On his back is a small quiver his mother stitched from him that carries 6 handcrafted arrows. In his hand is also a handcrafted bow passed down to him from his father. In the center of the wood is a small carving of a symbol unknown to the boy.

He continues walking through the trees until he reaches a small clearing. The trees surrounding the clearing all have a target carved into it with holes from previous arrows.

Bokuto takes a deep breath of the cool morning air listening to the light wind blow through the leaves. Other than the sound of the small critters scurrying through the leaves that lay on the floor it's silent.

Bokuto smiles to himself and places his quiver against the stump of a tree he had cut down when he found this place years ago with his father.

He pulls out an arrow and draws it back in the bow, resting the tip on his finger while taking time to aim it. He takes a deep breath and releases the string, sending the arrow flying towards the target. It  firmly stabs the tree along the line separating the 10 and 9 point section.

Bokuto sighs and repeats the process, continuously shooting arrows, switching the target he's aiming for until he runs out of arrows. He then retrieves them and goes again.

He shoots the arrows and retrieves them time and time again, letting time pass as if it has no real value. It's no longer a thought or concern in the boy's mind.

He pulls the arrow back and sends it flying a second later watching it as it perfectly splits a previous arrow, impaling the tree giving him a perfect bullseye.

"Aww shit," Bokuto mutters as he is now down another arrow.

"If you don't want to break your arrows why aim for one." The voice echoes through the forest, disturbing the peace and quiet. Bokuto doesn't need to look at the boy who just spoke. He simply sighs and retries the two arrows, examining the broken one.

"I don't exactly mean to. It's just a reflex." The boy chuckles and helps Bokuto gather the arrows.

"You lose track of time again?"

"Yeah, guessing I'm late."

"Actually no." They both place the arrows in the quiver, leaving the broken one to become a part of the forest. "My mother baked some bread for you and your mom so I brought it over. She mentioned you left before the sun rose so I figured I'd come to get you so we weren't late."

"Ahh, well thanks. I really need to keep better track of the time." The boy chuckles.

"Yeah well at least you have me, now come on. We're not late yet but we will be if we don't hurry." He nods and the two boys take off through the forest, heading back through the field and into town.

They arrive at the butcher right on time, quickly racing to the back to put on their aprons. "You're cutting it awfully close Kuroo."

"Yeah but we are here on time so I call this a win." Kenma rolls his eyes while beginning to chop up some meat. Kuroo and Bokuto smirk at each other while getting to work.

"There isn't a lot of meat today is there?"

"No, my father hasn't been able to find too many elk out in the woods, and shooting birds is a lot harder." Bokuto nods at Kenma looking to the door as Lev and Yaku enter with a bind of red meat. "You know Bokuto. If you aimed your arrows towards animals instead of trees we wouldn't have this problem."

"Yeah yeah, you've said this before."

"Then how come you haven't done it yet?"

"Come on Ken, lay off him."

"He's literally one of the best archers I know. The least he could do is put that skill to use." Bokuto rolls his eyes and heads to help Yaku and Lev unload the deer meat they brought.


At lunch, the boys take a small portion of the meat and head over to the stables to visit a few friends who work there.

"Hey, Hinata! Kageyama!" They wave over the boys who have been refilling the food and water for the horses.

"Oh hey, guys!" The two boys head over to the others who share some meat and bread.

"You guys seem to be working extra hard today. A special occasion?"

"You haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

"The prince is visiting the town." The boy's eyes widen as they listen to the short boy continue. "Apparently he's coming down to visit the local orphanage."

"Wait, the orphanage? This afternoon?" Bokuto's heart speeds up to this as he finishes off his food.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh umm...Kiyoko asked me to help her out there today..." Everyone's jaws drop.

"Wait! Holy shit, that means you'll probably get to meet the prince!"

"Yeah, no shit dude. Geez, now I'm all stressed."

"Hehe yeah, you should be. He could have you killed if you offend him." Kuroo jokes.

"Kuroo don't scare him. Also no he can't!" Kenma hits Kuroo lightly while Kuroo just laughs.

"Fine fine, just kidding man." Bokuto takes a deep breath, his nerves completely settling.

"Yeah I'll be fine I mean sure he's the prince but he's just a person right?"

"I mean if thinking like that calms you then sure." Bokuto rolls his eyes and checks his watch.

"Well shit, I'm going to be late now!" Bokuto hops off the fence he was sitting on and heads down the street.

"Good luck!" His friends wave to him as he disappears behind a corner.

"Do you think he'll be ok?"

"He'll be fine, though I'm super excited. We've never actually seen the prince's face."

"What makes you think it'll be different today?"

"Intuition." Kenma rolls his eyes.

"Your intuition is always wrong." Kenma deadpans.

"Well we'll just see now won't we." Kenma sighs in annoyance, giving the rest of his bread to Hinata.


The town gathers on the side of the road, excited to see the prince. Of course, they won't actually see the prince. He resigns in a carriage with the window covered, sitting politely while listening to the people chatter outside as the pass.

"See Kuroo I told you we wouldn't be able to see his face."

"Ugh fine fine, come on let's get back to work. We'll at least hear from Bokuto what he looks like." Kenma sighs and the boys head back to the butcher.

"Bokuto, could you please bring in the food boxes from the back. We just got a shipment." Bokuto nods at Kiyoko who is holding a baby that was dropped off that morning.

Bokuto heads outside and begins to carry the boxes into the kitchen. A few young children even decide to help him. The children adore Bokuto since he helps out a lot. He always agrees to help the children. He feels bad for them. A lot of their parents have passed or simply didn't want them. It's a sickening feeling especially for Bokuto since he himself even spent some time there as a young boy.

Once all the boxes are placed neatly in the kitchen, Bokuto begins to unpack them. Placing cans in the cupboards and the frozen meat in the meat cooler. He becomes so invested in his work that he almost misses the commotion at the entrance.

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The Princes Love {Bokuaka} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now