Chapter 1

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''I will not marry a stranger, moreover a guy''  Taehyung cried. 

''Oh you will, besides we all know u are gay'', His mother, no stepmother replied.

''But H-he is Jisoo eonni's fiance, she was supposed to be his wife! not me!!''

''She fled and we aren't able to find her, you have to do this '' his father was the one who spoke this time. 

''B-but how can I, Mr. Jeon is supposed to marry a girl, not a guy, and also how everyone is gonna react? ", Taehyung desperately said holding her hand.

''I hope you still want to continue your schooling.''

''P-papa how can you even say this? I am your son-n. please jus-''

''Taehyung, I need to save my face after what Jisoo did and I'm sure you don't mind helping your father in this critical situation .'', Taehyung's father calmly interrupted him. 

Tears kept flowing through Taehyung's eyes as he looked up at his unaffected father. His father, Kim Jaehwan is a well-known person in society. Currently, due to the tanking in his company's stocks, they needed to seal up a deal that could undoubtedly help the company. This deal seemed really important to his father as Golden Enterprises is a renowned name in the business world. The Company's chairman Jeon Hyun Bin has achieved a milestone and now it's time for his son, Jeon Jeongguk to shine. 

Taehyung's father not only wanted a professional but has planned on establishing a family relationship in this merger because that would help their company in upcoming future too. And that is why he proposed an arranged marriage between the two of the families. Although, the chairman of Golden Enterprises denied at first not wanting his son to become a deal but agreed on later. 

''P-papa ple-please'', taehyung once again tried folding his hands in front of his father. The poor boy has just got into a university and he wanted to successfully become a psychologist and earn. 

''Tsk tsk, taehyung this is how you repay your father ?'' ''For adopting you''

Taehyung looked down at the statement, his lips quivering as he was reminded again that he was adopted. That's true, he was adopted by Kim Jaehwan's first wife who wanted to have children but she couldn't conceive. Even though Kim Jaehwan never wanted to adopt a child as he hoped for an heir of his own he did it for his lovely wife, Kim Taeyeon, who died shortly after taehyung turned 4. 

His father came back home one day with his mistress who already had his son Kim Namjoon and a daughter Kim jisoo. Taehyung's father has been cheating on his mother ever since he found out she was infertile. The poor boy was little more than 5 when he got to know he'd been adopted. Since that tender age, he's been constantly reminded of that.


''T-tae, eonnie is sorry, I'm so sorry my baby. I never wanted you to be dragged up into this mess. I didn't know they would go to this extent. I-I fled because I love someone tae. I loved Bo-hyun. I -i. F-forgive me tae- '', Their sister Jisoo cried through the phone which Namjoon held on Taehyung's ears who was being dressed for the occasion. 

Jisoo kept asking for forgiveness cursing herself, if she hadn't left the country she would have run to take up all of his sorrows and Namjoon stood with his head hung low not even wanting to look at the boy, their baby brother who was sitting at the makeup dressing table looking at himself blankly, tears gathered around his eyes. Namjoon tried so much to convince their father, but that man..that cruel didn't consider anything besides his company. Even though they were step-siblings, they loved each other.

Taehyung stood up suddenly and took the phone from Namjoon's hands. 


Jisoo cried more. ''Tae''. 

''D-does he l-love you eonnie?''

Namjoon looked up in surprise, moist eyes now visible. 

''I-i, Yes tae. He loves eonnie. He loves eonnie so much. '' Jisoo broke into sobs once again for her baby brother who in this situation too was ensuring that she's loved. 

That boy who craved love since childhood, jisoo wishes that his brother finds love too pure, someone who could be his protector, someone who could take up all of Taehyung's burns, someone taehyung could call his home, his happiness. 

But she doesn't know her brother is about to get a kind of love that will destroy all his insecurities where there is no space or time, only intensity, and their love will have no immensity.


Is it up to the mark? I have started a new story. The story is kind of intense. You are about to witness a passionate love story between two people. I hope you guys support me on this. If I get a nice response to this chapter I will surely continue it. 

Thanking you:


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