Chapter 9 - New Information

Start from the beginning

He shared a look with his 'friends', if you could call them friends, and they looked ready to rip my throat out.

"Well little wolfie. I think we are done for now." He stretched the last two words a bit and shook his head with a small smirk.

"You and me, little wolfie. We need to catch up at this little point another time. I'm needed somewhere else right now and my two colleagues here," He pointed at the two wounded men on either side of him "They aren't in their right condition, thanks to you. We will see again, I promise. I'm looking forward to it, little wolfie. Oh and by the way... My name's Charles." 

With his little introduction at the end, the other two men stood up an walked away. He followed shortly after them and shot one last look behind him, at me.

Amara told me to run after them and rip them apart. But I couldn't move. I was stressed and the adrenalin that was pumping threw my veins just a few minutes ago, wears off. 

I stood there for what felt like a few minutes but probably were two or three hours, at most. 

I heard the faint voices of both of my brother befor I let the black consume me all over.

The last thing I saw were their worried expressions and I felt that one of them picked me up from the ground.


"I think she's waking up!"

"Hey Danny, wake up little sis. We need you to tell us what happend." 

My eyes fluttered open and I was blinded for a moment. They adjusted to the light and I finally could oppen them. 

I felt like I ran the New York City marathon. My head throbbed and I had this disgusting taste in my mouth. I felt dizzy and like I need to throw up any second.

Two worried faces were watching me and I could tell by the way that they were looking at me, that I must look like shit. Well, what confirmed my presumption was, that I felt like shit, too. 

"Can you hear us Danny?" My little brother asked, worry written all over the face,

I tried to form a sentence but all I could do was cough out a 'yes'. 

"Thank god! We thought you were going to die! How should we be able to live with that, little sis, hum? Never do that again, do you understand me? You gave us a heartattack when we found you!"

To say I was confused was and understatement. What was Chase talking about? I nearly died? They found me? Where did they found me? 

I wanted to ask them all of these questions but I couldn't speak. My mouth was as dry as the Sahara. "Water." They both looked confused and looked at me for a moment. I repeated myself and it finally clicked. Rick gave me a glass of water while Chase helped me sit up. 

I was in the medical room back in our terretory. How did I get here? And why were the only two people in my room my brothers? Where's mom and dad? I don't think they wouldn't like to check if I'm OK. I felt a pang in my chest as I remembered what happened and that they're probably mad at me, for yelling at them. 

My brothers looked at me again. I looked at them. The room was silent and I think they expected me to explain everything that happened. But how am I supposed to explain what happend, if I myself can't remember anything?

"So," I started to say because the silence was too awkward for my liking. "What happend?"

"Well, we hopped you could tell us." Chase replied.

"The last thing I remember is this Charles guy and -" I stopped mid-sentence. My brothers looked rather confused. 

I fought them. There were three guys. One's name was Charles and I bit one of the other two men. The last man got a kick in the face. I smiled at the memory and Chase and Rick probably thought I've gone crazy. 

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