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The final task soon dawned upon them. It had taken weeks of practice and theorising, though Harry knew what he was going to face was beyond either of those things. Gene tried not to worry over him too hard, after the long school year they were still having.

But the evening had come. She was overwhelmed with anxiety as she went to visit both Harry and Cedric before the task, seeing as they could hardly expect her to choose between her friends.

"You've got this, Cedric." she smiled, their fists meeting and he returned the smile equally.

"I suppose you're going to tell Potter the same thing, aren't you?" he gave her a half-smile, though it was clear the nerves were getting to him.

Gene rolled her eyes, "We can still be friends, Ced, I promise." she teased, causing him to laugh before pulling her into a tight hug, and she returned it just as well.

She quickly rushed from Cedric to meet the others at the stadium and smiled at the sight of her aunt. With the last letter that Gene had sent Aurelia, Gene had made sure to ask her aunt if she would be able to make the trip to send Harry off in the maze. Gene figured it was the least she could do. And besides, Aurelia adored Harry like he was her own.

"Fancy seeing you here." Gene lifted an eyebrow at her aunt, grinning as she pulled away from a hug before turning to Harry.

"You didn't have to, you know." he muttered quietly so that Aurelia couldn't hear, though he could barely hide the smile that took over.

"I know. But she wanted to. You're family, Harry." Gene pressed a firm kiss to his cheek and he stumbled back, his eyes wide. "Good luck!" she called back over her shoulder, before running up to the stands to join Ron and Hermione, just about catching the last of the rules.

"The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. If at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand. Contestants, gather round."

Dumbledore had the four come around him in a close circle as he muttered something incomprehensible to the group. Gene looked over at her aunt, stood at the entrance to the maze and waved.

Aurelia caught her eye and smiled widely, waving up at Gene, Ron and Hermione. Harry stepped away from Dumbledore, looking a little off but he stood at Aurelia's side anyways. She crouched down to his height, grasping his shoulders as she spoke to him and Harry nodded firmly in response. Finally, she pressed a kiss to the top of his head and gave him a curt nod.

"On the count of three!" Dumbledore announced, "One-"

The cannon had suddenly gone off, interrupting Dumbledore as Filch only shrugged his shoulders. Harry stepped further into the maze until he was no longer visible, the greenery growing and closing up around him.

It had been a good hour or so, and they'd seen the red sparks Dumbledore mentioned, Gene holding her breath before Fleur was carried out of the maze. Following Fleur in the next hour, was Viktor. Karkaroff looked less than impressed, not even slightly concerned about his pupil. Gene wasn't surprised, given his heartless past.

It left Harry and Cedric, also leaving a proud feeling in Gene's chest. She never doubted them once.

"Gene-" Hermione began, her voice cautious.

Gene looked to Hermione, brows furrowed as she saw the look of concern on her face, followed by Ron standing up suddenly. Her heart sank, but she hadn't the faintest clue why.

"What is it? Ron- what is it?" she began to ask hurriedly, standing up beside Ron as her eyes scanned the field and stands.

"Where's your aunt?" Ron asked, his eyes settling on Gene and she swallowed, hard.

THE TWO WITNESSES | RON WEASLEY [BOOK TWO]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora