Chapter 1: shorty

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Russia's POV

"MalPhilIndo what are you guys doing?!" ASEAN yelled from across the room, all three of them shot their heads towards him hiding the firecrackers "NOTHING!" all three of them said back and sat down, i just chuckled and America and Germany looked at me questioningly. "Nothing" i said and went back to the meeting. Phil laughed at something Indo did, and i sighed, Indonesia has feeling for the little filiopino country and so do I but I try not to show it that much. As the meeting came to an end me, America, and Germany, all got up to get ready to Leave Phil ran up to me "Mr. Russia Hi!" he said in a cheery voice as always, "hello My Little Comrade" i said back nicely, im not sure why but i can never bring myself to act like myself when he's around and i think Germany has caught onto that. "i wanted to thank you for Kampilan!" he said pointing to his waist where it was hanging. "no problem, your my friend after all" i said smiling, Germany cleared his throat and spoke up "Lets go Russland we need to get going. Me and Phil said our goodbyes and we soon left.

~Timeskip at the House~

"Russland, it has come to my attention you have feelings for Philippines" Germany stated bluntly while America was hugging Germany from behind nodding in agreement, "u-um what do you mean Neimcy-" i said but was cut off by him speaking "im not Dumb Russland now speak up", "f-fine i do but it doesn't matter because he most likely likes Indo and it wouldn't be a surprise because of how close they are" i said opening a bottle of Vodka and gulping half of the bottle. Germany only sighed and Kissed Ame on the head and had him let go and walked over to me, "Russland, it doesn't matter how close those two are you would still have a chance, we all are given our chances aren't we? you just need to wait for yours" he said smiling.


Hello lovely Readers! 

im sorry its short but i hope you enjoyed it!! 

i will be working on more chapters soon!!!

anyway have a nice Day/night!

~My Little Comrade~(RusPhil)Where stories live. Discover now