chapter 6

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Indonesia's POV

Even after all this time Phil keeps worrying about Russia, all of his Attention isnt on me anymore its on him. I need to Rid of the annoying Russian, Phil is mine and it will stay that way, i dont care what will happen with Russia just as long as he's Dead. i started to approach the Russian's shared apartment and knocked on the door to be greeted with Germany and America "hello, im here to see Russia" i said sweetly while smiling, "he's not here right now. He went to visit someone(that someone being his father's grave)" Germany said in his normal tired voice, "do you know when he'll be back?" i asked and he shook his head "ah okay well see you all later!" i smiled and left.

America's POV

After Germ's closed the door i looked at Ruski he sighed and looked at us "what are we gonna do now?" he asked "we need to tell Phil" Germany replied back and i nodded "what if he doesnt believe us?" "then we'll show him evidence" they both continued on and i sighed and sat on the couch and texted Phil, telling him we need him to come with us for a day without Indo cause we are gonna do a secret spy mission and of course he replied saying he will join. I turned my phone off and laid my head on the back of the couch and closed my eyes waiting for them to stop arguing.

Phil's POV

Im excited its been awhile since me and Joe have done a secret spy mission!!! Although i cant tell Indo or i wont be able to go, Indo is very controlling when it comes to me, i barely get to make my own decisions. Don't get me wrong I love him but sometimes.....he scares me.. 

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