Final Fantasy (Rain)

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(WARNING!: EXPLICIT THEMES THROUGHOUT THE CHAPTER. I cannot specify much because it will be a spoiller, but tags are: blood, sexual intercourse. I recomended though for reader that haven't ever read smut before and are interested to try. It is a soft one to be introduced in the genre. It's not the main object of the chapter though.

Suggestion: If you read from a computer, I recomend that along with the dark piano theme, play in another tab this rain ambiance: )

Sounds of heavy raindrops falling on the vast roof echoed through the mansion. The water run down the numerous roof tiles, over every window's glass, clashing violently with the wet soil and water ponds. The already quiet village seemed lifeless now that curtains of water covered everything, all remaining souls tucked safely in their residences.

The storm got heavier quickly, the sky painted in an even darker grey, just so it could flash in white for a moment only, every time a lightning fell. The thunders where almost deafening for someone who would be outside. One of them was so loud that woke you up, giving an end to that daze of calmness you had indulged into. Your eyes shot open, peering into the dark room; the lighting was even dimmer now, almost non-existent due to the rainclouds and the hiding sun that was going to set soon. You stayed still, your face bearing a blank expression while your eyes looked straight into nothing, blinking steadily every now and then. Even though you had just slept, your head felt a mess and your stomach a worse one. The internal despair and disappointment were eating you out, but no tear could fall from your eyes. You were beyond the point of being able to express anything. You were sick of your lies, sick of the hopes you tried so much to hold on, sick of sticking so intensely on an illusion you build perfectly in your brain because you didn't like reality, you were sick of you. The illusion had just reached its end.

You got up really slowly and carefully, so as to not wake Sephiroth, who seemed to sleep incredibly calmly. His face was way too calm for how you were accustomed seeing it. Too serene, almost innocent. Now that he deemed he has you on his side, that he has someone finally loving and supporting him, he seemed so unprotected, like he let all his guards down, entrusting his happiness to you. But this only filled you with guilt.

You had woken up, and you weren't going back to sleep, ever again. Your soul would close its eyes only after you do the right thing for everyone.

Certain that Sephiroth was still deep in sleep, and that he wouldn't even bother checking on you anymore, you left the room quietly. You descended the staircase confidently to the kitchen, took the food you had kept for Cloud, and headed to his room. You knocked the door and entered.

"Cloud?" you looked around for the blonde hero.

He sat up from the bed, looking you straight in the eyes.


"I brought you some food." You smiled sadly.

"Thanks.." he replied humbly.

"And while you eat if you're hungry now, I have something to tell-, no ask you."

He received the plate gratefully and sat again at the bed.

"Tell me." He gave the permission and started eating.

You took a chair and set it across of him. You sat down and sighed deeply.

"Sephiroth is sleeping right now so he won't annoy us." You reassured him and he looked suspiciously at you. "Don't worry, I've seen the light. Truly." You paused and gathered courage. "You were right, he will never change. I tried my best, but my conscience was biased, having no ability to separate what was good for me and what for all. I can't just live happily ever after with him and save the world. It will never happen."

The Chosen One (Sephiroth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now