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Earth is non-arguably a quite beautiful and diverse planet. But, life on it can get, non-arguably, a little bit boring sometimes. That is what imagination and fiction come to fight, right? That is why you emerged your mind so often in other, imaginary worlds. Video games provide, again non-arguably, very beautiful worlds for that purpose. So of course you were a great fan of FFVII and, truth to be said, that world provided also amazing characters to love and bond with. For your heart though, there was a person in particular, that never ceased to interest you, against all that most people would consider, well, in one word, "evil". The only person that had bewitched your mind was no one else but Sephiroth. You first saw your No 1 favourite character of all time and all universes on the case of the PSP game Dissidia, and without even knowing his name you took an instant like to him. It was"love at First Sight". Ah, yes; while looking at his posters you often thought out loud:

"Oh my Great Beloved Sephiroth, why do you have to be a fictional character? Why to exist only in the video game world? Why can't you be real?..."

You've wanted so badly for him to exist, to be able to really look at him, to see his muscular, perfect shaped body, his long silver hair waiving to the soft breeze, to look at his terrific ageless face, to being watched by his turqoize deep snake-like, with enormous eyelashes eyes. You have imagined over and over again the possibilities you had at Gaia and how things would turn out if you got involved in the story at various times. The stories were countless in your head. But as a true fan of him, the most appealing to you as his rebirth, although you didn't want to bring catastrophe again to the world. You had a dream; to change Sephiroth's mind in order not to destroy the planet. But of course all these belonged to the sphere of your fantasy. Or so you thought.

That sphere lasted until the next Monday. When you saw the sun rising up from the hills from your bedroom's window, for some reason you felt like the sunlight was different that day. You knew something was going to happen, but you could never imagined the truth. You stood up at your bed and brushed lightly your hair with your hands, shaking off the numbness of your much needed sleep. You chose from your closet a pair of black jeans and a simple blouse. After getting dressed, you took a black pen and drew the word REUNION on the inside of your wrist. You liked much the idea of pretending by small little things that you belonged there, as well as showing your support and love for Sephiroth in subtle ways; excess seemed a bit of an insult for his numinous existence. You just couldn't treat him as if he was some ephemeral pop idol. You actually always respected every character of the game, as if they were real people you knew personally.

You quickly made your bag afterwords, and looked at the clock: 7:40. It was time to take the bus. You walked casually to thet bus stop, bag hanging on one shoulder, while you were fixing your earphones in your ears. Before the song you had chosen to play from your files was finished, the vehicle was there. When you got on and took a lone free sit, continuing to listen to music while basking out of the window the various sceneries. Not much later, the red light caught you, so the driver halted for a bit. Your trained eyes noticed faraway a strange motorcycle resembling Kadaj's.

"I must be hallucinating and daydreaming again. Yesterday night was the 7th time I saw Advent Children..." you murmured to yourself.

The first class was Biology. That lesson always reminded you the Shin-Ra Company, and mostly the scientific projects concerning Jenova; SOLDIER, Project G and naturally Project S...

Suddenly a loud thumb was heard from the ceiling. The noise sounded like footsteps and swords clashing. Then you heard a gunshot. All the girls of the class except you let out aloud scream. After that, you saw a man falling from the ceiling above you to a lower own that was at the same height with the floor you were standing. The man was bleeding. His sight was really familiar to you. Everyone then got surprised and frightened by three other silver haired men who came down too. They were all holding weapons. You immediately recognized them; they were the Remnants! You didn't believe in your eyes! Loz went towards the bleeding man to guard him and the other two broke the glass of the windows and rushed into the class. Kadaj and Yazoo seemed like they were searching for someone

-Where is she? Kadaj said furiously.

-How has the tattoo? Yazoo questioned

The teacher responded in terror:

-P-Please leave quietly...we are peaceful-

-SHUT UP! Yazoo shouted while slapping your professor harshly. You were speechless. You were flying to heaven and falling into hell at the same time. So afraid and so pleased. Your favourite game characters were real but nothing was as you had imagined. You loved so much the fact you discovered the remnants were real because that meant Sephiroth did too. But now your heroes were your enemies. In the meantime Kadaj and Yazoo were searching all the girls' arms while holding their weapons in order to insure that no one will make a move. Yazoo said:

-Don't be afraid

-It's not your time yet.You will all become one with Mother soon. Kadaj continued. You knew from his words what was going to happen; Reunion.

But a rough grab on your arm discontinued your thoughts. It was Kadaj and he was looking at your pen tattoo. He widened his eyes and said: "We found her".He drag you mercilessly. You tried to escape but his grip was too tight.

-H-Hey! Leave me! I-

-You are coming with us, Kadaj mentioned

-How...? What? Why?

-Because you are the Chosen One doesn't mean you are permitted to have objection! Yazoo said as he approached closer to your face. He was so close you could feel his breath on your face. Your best friend hissed:

-_________, don't let them do anything to-

-Shut up! Kadaj yelled while Yazoo shot your friend straight through the heart.

-NO! You said wet widened eyes, as you felt a deposit of salty liquid overflowing you rvision. Let me go! I don't even know why I wished for you to be real!

Then a thought came to your mind while trying to escape Kadaj's arms, which felt like a heavy object sitting on the top of your heart. You last sentence was so insulting to your beliefs but logic said you to hate the Remnants and try to get away, away from your dream which was transforming into nightmare. As the three of you left, Loz took on his shoulders the almost dead bleeding man. To your surprise, that man was no one else from Cloud! He was in terrible condition, he had wounds all over his body, the most edges of his spiky hair were painted red by his blood,his blue eyes looked awfully exhausted. He gathered all his remaining strength and whispered to you:

-_________...run...don't...help them...don't be his puppet...

"Oh Cloud", you thought, "you are again the victim of this case. Why do you have to pass through all of these?" You really wanted to help him, but you were powerless compared to the Remnants. Then Kadaj told you:

-Good night ________.

You fainted. Your fate was at these silver-haired men's hands while knowing that you will wake up in a pleasuring nightmare.

The Chosen One (Sephiroth x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora